FreeRADIUS InkBridge

The Administration CLI

Goal: To understand how to use the radmin command.

Time: 20-30 minutes


  • etc/raddb/sites-enabled/control-socket

man page: radmin, raddebug

The radmin command is an interactive command-line interface (CLI) to the internals of the server. It can be used to monitor statistics, to show the current configuration, and to change the configuration.

Check that the control socket is enabled, and start the server in debugging mode. Connect to the control socket via radmin. Type help, and read the output. Use radtest to send the server packets, and see how the statistics change.


  1. How can you modify the control-socket file so that you can change the server configuration?

  2. What happens when you disable a module and try to authenticate a user?

  3. How can you run a command from the shell without starting the radmin command?

  4. Can you start the server in non-debugging mode (radiusd -f), and still see the debugging output? How?