Inserting IPs into SQL

The scripts/sql/align_sql_pools.pl program is a helper script which generates the SQL commands to update the SQL IP pools in a database.

The radippool table is updated is a way that preserves existing leases, provided that the corresponding IP addresses still exist in the pool.

This script typically receives the output of the generate_pool_addresses.pl script, as follows:

generate_pool_addresses.pl <options> | align_sqlippools.pl <sql_dialect>

For example:

generate_pool_addresses.pl main_pool | \
        align_sqlippools.pl mariadb

generate_pool_addresses.pl yaml pool_defs.yml existing_ips.txt | \
        align_sqlippools.pl postgresql

For the latter example the existing_ips.txt file might be created as follows:

psql radius -qtAc 'SELECT framedipaddress FROM radippool' > existing_ips.txt

See the Generating IPs for the pools page for instructions on how to generate the list of IPs to modify.

The output of this script is a sequence of SQL commands which update the pool to match with the definition provided. We recommending reviewing this file before running it against your database.