FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Couchbase Module

The couchbase module is used to provide connections to a Couchbase database.

Configuration Settings


List of Couchbase hosts (hosts may be space, tab, comma or semicolon separated). Ports are optional if servers are listening on the standard port.

Complete pool urls are preferred.

Couchbase bucket name.


Couchbase bucket username (optional).


Couchbase bucket password (optional).

opts { …​ }

flags for libcouchbase (see Couchbase documentation).

Set this to enable debugging, view timeouts, and all options supported by lcb_cntl_string() from libcouchbase API.

These debugging options can produce significant amounts of logging output.

Couchbase accounting document key.

This key is dynamically expanded at run time.


Value for the 'docType' element in the json body for accounting documents.


Accounting document expire time in seconds (0 = never).

update { …​ }

Map attribute names to json element names for accounting.

Configuration items are in the format <radius attribute> = '<element name>'

Element names should be single quoted. Attributes not in this map will not be recorded.

Couchbase document key for user documents (unlang supported).


Set to yes to read radius clients from the Couchbase view specified below.

Clients will ONLY be read on server startup.
client { …​ }

Map attribute names to jSON element names when loading clients.

Configuration follows the same rules as the accounting map above.


Couchbase view that should return all available client documents.

template { …​ }

Sets default values (not obtained from couchbase) for new client entries.

attribute { …​ }

Sets the client mappings following the format: <client attribute> = '<element name>'.

The following attributes are required:

Attr Description

ipaddr, ipv4add, ipv6addr

Client IP Address.


RADIUS shared secret.

All attributes usually supported in a client definition are also supported here. Element names should be single quoted.
pool { …​ }

The connection pool is new for >= 3.0, and will be used in many modules, for all kinds of connection-related activity.


Connections to create during module instantiation.

If the server cannot create specified number of connections during instantiation it will exit. Set to 0 to allow the server to start without the external service being available.


Minimum number of connections to keep open.


Maximum number of connections.

If these connections are all in use and a new one is requested, the request will NOT get a connection.

Setting max to LESS than the number of threads means that some threads may starve, and you will see errors like No connections available and at max connection limit.

Setting max to MORE than the number of threads means that there are more connections than necessary.

If max is not specified, then it defaults to the number of workers configured.


Spare connections to be left idle.

Idle connections WILL be closed if idle_timeout is set. This should be less than or equal to max above.

Number of uses before the connection is closed.

0 means "infinite".

The lifetime (in seconds) of the connection.

A setting of 0 means infinite (no limit).

The idle timeout (in seconds). A connection which is unused for this length of time will be closed.

A setting of 0 means infinite (no timeout).

Connection timeout (in seconds). The maximum amount of time to wait for a new connection to be established.

All configuration settings are enforced. If a connection is closed because of idle_timeout, uses, or lifetime, then the total number of connections MAY fall below min. When that happens, it will open a new connection. It will also log a WARNING message.

The solution is to either lower the min connections, or increase lifetime/idle_timeout.

Default Configuration

couchbase {
	server = ""
	bucket = "radius"
#	username = "radius"
#	password = "password"
	opts {
#		console_log_level = "5"
#		console_log_file = "${logdir}/libcouchbase.log"
#		send_hello = "false"
#		detailed_errcodes = "true"
	acct_key = "radacct_%{&Acct-Unique-Session-Id || &Acct-Session-Id}"
	doctype = "radacct"
	expire = 2592000
	update {
		&Acct-Session-Id	= 'sessionId'
		&Acct-Unique-Session-Id	= 'uniqueId'
		&Acct-Status-Type	= 'lastStatus'
		&Acct-Authentic		= 'authentic'
		&User-Name		= 'userName'
		&Stripped-User-Name	= 'strippedUserName'
		&Stripped-User-Domain	= 'strippedUserDomain'
		&Realm			= 'realm'
		&NAS-IP-Address		= 'nasIpAddress'
		&NAS-Identifier		= 'nasIdentifier'
		&NAS-Port		= 'nasPort'
		&Called-Station-Id	= 'calledStationId'
		&Called-Station-SSID	= 'calledStationSSID'
		&Calling-Station-Id	= 'callingStationId'
		&Framed-Protocol	= 'framedProtocol'
		&Framed-IP-Address	= 'framedIpAddress'
		&NAS-Port-Type		= 'nasPortType'
		&Connect-Info		= 'connectInfo'
		&Acct-Session-Time	= 'sessionTime'
		&Acct-Input-Packets	= 'inputPackets'
		&Acct-Output-Packets	= 'outputPackets'
		&Acct-Input-Octets	= 'inputOctets'
		&Acct-Output-Octets	= 'outputOctets'
		&Acct-Input-Gigawords	= 'inputGigawords'
		&Acct-Output-Gigawords	= 'outputGigawords'
		&Event-Timestamp	= 'lastUpdated'
	user_key = "raduser_%md5(%tolower(%{&Stripped-User-Name || &User-Name}))"
#	read_clients = no
	client {
		view = "_design/client/_view/by_id"
		template {
#			login				= 'test'
#			password			= 'test'
#			proto	 			= tcp
#			require_message_authenticator	= yes
		attribute {
			ipaddr                          = 'clientIdentifier'
			secret                          = 'clientSecret'
			shortname                       = 'clientShortname'
			nas_type                        = 'nasType'
			virtual_server                  = 'virtualServer'
			require_message_authenticator   = 'requireMessageAuthenticator'
			limit {
				max_connections             = 'maxConnections'
				lifetime                    = 'clientLifetime'
				idle_timeout                = 'idleTimeout'
	pool {
		start = 0
		min = 0
#		max =
		spare = 1
		uses = 0
		lifetime = 0
		idle_timeout = 1200
		connect_timeout = 3.0