FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Python Module

The python module processes attributes through a Python interpreter.

  • Please see the src/modules/rlm_python/ sample.

  • Please see for more information about the Python language.

Uncomment any func_* configuration items below which are included in your module. If the module is called for a section which does not have a function defined, it will return noop.

Please see the file global.d/python for server-global configuration items which control the Python path.

Configuration Settings

The Python API threading.local() may be used store thread specific data such as connection handles.


Module to load functions from.

  • You may set mod_<section> for any of the section to module mappings below, if you want to reference a function in a different module.

  • Uncomment func_<section> lines your module provides methods for.


Called on module instantiation.


Called on module unload.

config { …​ }

You can define configuration items (and nested sub-sections) in python config { …​ } section. These items will be accessible in the Python script through radiusd.config dict for instance:



Default Configuration

python {
	module = example
#	func_instantiate = instantiate
#	func_detach = detach
#	func_authorize = authorize
#	func_authenticate = authenticate
#	func_preacct = preacct
#	func_accounting = accounting
#	func_pre_proxy = pre_proxy
#	func_post_proxy = post_proxy
#	func_post_auth = post_auth
#	config {
#		name = "value"
#		sub-config {
#			name = "value of name from config.sub-config"
#		}
#	}