FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Detail Module

Write a detailed log of all accounting records received.

It is primarily used for storing accounting information, but can be used in other sections to write packet details as well.

we do NOT use NAS-IP-Address here, as that attribute MAY BE from the originating NAS, and NOT from the proxy which actually sent us the request.

Configuration Settings


The filename used when creating detail files.

The default configuration creates a new detail file for every radius client (by IP address or hostname). In addition, a new detail file is created every day, so that the detail file doesn’t have to go through a 'log rotation'.

If your detail files are large, you may also want to add a :%H (see doc/unlang/xlat_character.adoc) to the end of it, to create a new detail file every hour.



This will create a new detail file for every hour.

If you are reading detail files via the listen { …​ } section (e.g. as in raddb/sites-available/robust-proxy-accounting), you MUST use a unique directory for each combination of a detail file writer, and reader.

That is, only one listen { …​ } section can read detail files from a particular directory.

If you are using radrelay, delete the above line for file, and use this one instead:

Whether or not to escape "special" characters in filenames.

Most file systems can handle nearly the full range of UTF-8 characters. Ones that can deal with a limited range should set this to yes.


The Unix permissions on the detail file.

The detail file often contains secret or private information about users. The file permissions should be restrictive, so that unwanted people are prevented from seeing any secret information.

The Unix group of the log file.

The user that the server runs as must be in the specified system group otherwise the server will not have permission to change the group ownership of the file.

The header of a detail file entry.

Every entry in the detail file has a header which is a timestamp. By default, we use the ctime format (see man 3 ctime for details).

The header can be customised by editing this string. See doc/unlang/xlat.adoc for a description of what can be put here.


Whether or not we should lock the detail file before writing to it.

Mainly used if the detail file reader is to be reading this file.


Log the Packet src/dst IP/port.

This is disabled by default, as that information isn’t used by many people.

suppress { …​ }

Suppress "secret" information from appearing in the detail file.

Certain attributes such as User-Password may be "sensitive", so they should not be printed in the detail file. This section lists the attributes that should be suppressed.

The attributes should be listed one to a line.

Default Configuration

detail {
	filename = ${radacctdir}/%{Net.Src.IP}/detail-%Y-%m-%d
#	filename = ${radacctdir}/detail
	escape_filenames = no
	permissions = 0600
#	group = ${}
	header = "%t"
#	locking = yes
#	log_packet_header = yes
#	suppress {
#		User-Password
#	}