FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Lua Module

The lua module processes attributes through a Lua interpreter.

  • Please see the src/modules/rlm_lua/example.lua for a sample Lua script.

  • Please see for more information about the Lua language.

Uncomment any func_* configuration items below which are included in your module. If the module is called for a section which does not have a function defined, it will return noop.

Configuration Settings


Module to load functions from.

Uncomment func_<section> lines that have methods in your lua module.

Default Configuration

lua {
	filename = ${modconfdir}/${.:instance}/example.lua
	func_authenticate = authenticate
	func_authorize = authorize
#	func_preacct = preacct
#	func_accounting = accounting
#	func_post_auth = post_auth
#	func_xlat = xlat
#	func_instantiate = instantiate
#	func_detach = detach