FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Radutmp Module

The radutmp module writes a utmp style file, of which users are currently logged in, and where they’ve logged in from.

This file is used mainly for Simultaneous-Use checking, and also radwho, to see who’s currently logged in.

See also man 5 utmp.

Configuration Settings


Where the file is stored.

It’s not a log file, so it doesn’t need rotating.


The field in the packet to key on for the users name.

If you have other fields which you want to use to key on to control Simultaneous-Use, then you can use them here.

However, that the size of the field in the utmp data structure is small, around 32 characters, so that will limit the possible choices of keys.

You may want instead: %{&Stripped-User-Name || &User-Name}.

Accounting information may be lost, so the user MAY have logged off of the NAS, but we haven’t noticed.

If so, we can verify this information with the NAS.

If we want to believe the 'utmp' file, then this configuration entry can be set to no.


Set the file permissions, as the contents of this file are usually private.


If enabled, it will extract the field Calling-Station-Id from the packet and store as username information.

Default is no.

Default Configuration

radutmp {
	filename = ${logdir}/radutmp
	username = %{User-Name}
	check_with_nas = yes
	permissions = 0600
#	caller_id = "yes"