FreeRADIUS InkBridge

The ATTRIBUTE keyword

ATTRIBUTE <name> <number> <type> [<flags>]

The ATTRIBUTE keyword defines a name, number, and data type mapping.


The name of the attribute. The name can contain alphanumeric characters, -, and _. The name should be short and descriptive.

As the names are hierarchical, the name is scoped to its parent. So the name Counter can mean different things, depending on its context.


The number of the attribute. Numbers can be specified as decimal (19), or as hex (0xffee).

Numbers can also be specified as object identifiers (OIDs), 26.1.9, or as partial OIDs (.14).

There are a number of complex rules and interpretations of OID values which are difficult to clearly document using simple examples. This complex behavior is only needed for rare situations. In short, if you are creating complex protocol dictionaries, you need to understand those protocols before creating the dictionaries. On the other hand, if you are creating simple protocol dictionaries, there is no need to understand any complex rules around the use of OIDs.


A data type

A few data types can be marked up as being fixed size, by adding an "array-style" suffix, such as with octets[3]. See below for details.


The flag field is optional, and is usually protocol-specific. See the FLAGS page for definitions of common flags.

Please see the protocol dictionaries for examples of these flags. Only the flags which are used in a protocol dictionary are valid, and those flags are only valid for that protocol dictionary.

The old-style RADIUS syntax of specifying a vendor name in the flags field is not supported.

Common flags and meanings

Name Description


For fixed-size types, declare that the contents of the packet can have an array of this value.


For "leaf" types, copy VALUEs from an ENUM or other attribute.


For tlv or 'struct' types, clone (or copy) child definitions from another attribute of the same type


This attribute is internal to the server, and will never be sent "on the wire"


For group types, the referenced attributes will be allowed in the group

The <ref> field in the examples above is an attribute references such as Foo, or Foo.Bar, or

The enum and clone flags are essentially the same, in that they copy "children" of the attribute. However, the enum flag copies values, and clone copies attributes.

ATTRIBUTE Foo 1 string[3]
ATTRIBUTE Bar 2 octets
ATTRIBUTE baz 3 ipv4addr


In some cases, attributes need to re-use the same set of VALUE statements. The enum=…​ flag allows an attribute to copy enumerated vl

The enum flag can only be used for "leaf" data types. i.e. ones which can contain a VALUE.

Enum Examples
ATTRIBUTE Foo 1 integer
VALUE Zero Foo 0

ATTRIBUTE Bar 2 integer enum=Foo

The result of the above dictionary is that the Bar attribute also has VALUE defined, with name Zero.


In some cases, structured attributes have different parents, but identical children. The clone=…​ flag allows an attribute to copy or "clone" the children of another attribute.

The clone flag can only be used for data types tlv and struct.

Clone Examples
ATTRIBUTE Bar 1.1 ipaddr
ATTRIBUTE Baz 2 tlv clone=Foo

The result of the above dictionary is that the Baz attribute also has child attribute, of name Bar.


In some cases, attributes can "group" other attributes without adding a new hierarchy. The ref=…​ flag allows a grouped attribute to reference another attribute. The grouped attribute can then contain the referenced attributes, as if those other attributes were members of the group.

If ref is not given for an attribute of type group then the reference is assumed to be to the "root" of the current protocol dictionary.

The ref flag can only be used for the data type group. The referenced attribute must be of data type group or tlv. 613 816 8331 == Fixed Size Data types

The following data types can be marked up as having fixed size, by using an array suffix, e.g. octets[14].

Fixed Size types and meanings

Type Description


Declare that this attribute uses n bytes of octets data


Declare that this attribute uses n bytes of string data


Declare that this structure uses n bytes for itself, including all child MEMBERs