FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Passwd Module

The passwd module searches a passwd-like file, and extracts attributes it.

This module allows you to retrieve any account information from any files with passwd-like format (/etc/passwd, /etc/group, smbpasswd, .htpasswd, etc). Every field of the file may be mapped to a RADIUS attribute, with one of the fields used as a key.

The module reads the file when it initializes, and caches the data in memory. This makes it very fast, even for files with thousands of lines. To re-read the file the module will need to be reloaded with radmin(8), or the server will need to be sent a SIGHUP, as dynamic updates are not supported.

See the smbpasswd and etc_group files for more examples.

Configuration Settings

An example configuration for using /etc/passwd.

This is an example which will NOT WORK if you have shadow passwords, NIS, etc. The unix module is normally responsible for reading system passwords. You should use it instead of this example.


Path to the file which the module will read.


Symbol to use as a field separator in passwd file.

The symbols \0 and \n are not allowed.

The Default is :


This parameters correlates record in the passwd file and RADIUS attributes.

  • Field marked as * is a key field. That is, the parameter with this name from the request is used to search for the record from passwd file.

  • Attributes marked as = are added to the &reply. list, instead of default &control. list.

  • Attributes marked as ~ are added to the &request. list.

  • Field marked as , may contain a comma separated list of attributes.

The format here uses the first field as the key. If the User-Name matches, the Crypt-Password attribute is created from the second field, and is added to the &control. list.


Empty fields in the input will be skipped and the RADIUS attribute will not be added.

By setting this value to "no", all attributes in the format list will always be added, even if they have no value.

Default is yes.


A future version of the server will have the module automatically determine the hash size. Having it set manually should not be necessary. It should be set to 50% of the number of lines in the file.

The value must be larger than zero.

Ignore NIS-related records.


Control whether or not many records for a key are allowed.

If set to yes, then the module processes all matching entries. If set to no, the module processes only the first matching entry.

Default Configuration

passwd etc_passwd {
	filename = /etc/passwd
#	delimiter = ":"
	format = "*User-Name:Crypt-Password:"
#	ignore_empty = no
	hash_size = 100
	ignore_nislike = no
	allow_multiple_keys = no