FreeRADIUS InkBridge

About Sbuffs


Fundamentally, sbuffs do for text what dbuffs do for binary data: provide an abstraction text buffer that lets the user write with minimal boilerplate.

That said, parsing text is more complicated than handling binary data. With binary data, one converts to or from network byte order, and there is either enough space for the data or there isn’t. Parsing text is parsing in the traditional sense, and there are additional data structures to support it. We will wait until we’ve named all the players to describe the operations one can perform.



Sbuffs are represented by the fr_sbuff_t type in the source. It is much like a dbuff. Sbuffs are structures that contain

  • buff - A pointer to a buffer.

  • start - A pointer to the start of the portion of the buffer the sbuff has access to.

  • p - A pointer to the current position, which is either that of the next available character or just past the last byte available to the sbuff .

  • end - A pointer just past the last character available to the sbuff (aka the "end pointer").

  • is_const - A flag marking the sbuff as either mutable or immutable; an immutable sbuff cannot be written to .

  • adv_parent - A flag that determines whether changes in the current position are propagated back to the sbuff’s ancestors.

  • shifted - A count of the number of bytes the sbuff has been "shifted". This is used to track the amount of data which has been "shifted" beyond the start of the buffer when the buffer has been refilled during string parsing.

  • extend - A pointer that, if non-NULL, points to a function to repopulate or extend the sbuff.

  • uctx - A pointer to a "context" used by the extension/refill function (used only if there is such a function).

  • parent - A pointer that, if non-NULL, points to a parent sbuff. All sbuffs sharing a buffer are ancestrally related.

  • m - A pointer that, if non-NULL, points to the first element of a linked list of "markers" associated with the sbuff.

(Why the buffer pointer? There are extensible sbuffs, one kind of which uses the talloc memory allocator. realloc()-like functions need the actual pointer the previous allocation returned, but the start pointer of child sbuffs need not point there; hence the buffer pointer, which is the same for all related sbuffs.)


A marker, represented by the fr_sbuff_marker_t type, is a structure that contains

  • p - A pointer to its associated sbuff.

  • next - A pointer to the next marker on the list.

  • parent - A pointer to a position in the associated sbuff.

The position pointer in a marker associated with an sbuff will be kept consistent with the sbuff across possible extensions.

Character sets

A character set is an array of 256 boolean values; there’s not a typedef for it. Sbuff routines using them take into account the possible signedness of characters.

Escape rules

An fr_sbuff_escape_rules_t is a structure that specifies:

  • name - An identifier to help determine which rule set is in use when debugging.

  • chr - An escape character.

  • subs - An array of 256 characters specifying which characters should be converted to two-character escape sequences i.e. '\n'. The second character of the escape sequence is the value of the array element.

  • esc - An array of 256 bools specifying which characters should be converted to hex or octal escape sequences.

  • do_utf8 - Whether to apply escape rules to characters within UTF-8 sequences.

  • do_hex - Whether to represent escaped characters as hex sequences.

  • do_oct - Whether to represent escaped characters as octal sequences. If both do_hex and do_oct are true, do_oct takes priority.

    These can be used when adding data to an sbuff (printing), e.g. the fr_sbuff_in_* functions.

Unescape rules

An fr_sbuff_unescape_rules_t is a structure that specifies:

  • name - An identifier to help determine which rule set is in use when debugging.

  • chr - An escape character.

  • subs - An array of 256 characters subscripted by a character following the escape character; the corresponding element is the binary representation of the character corresponding to the escape sequence.

  • skip - A character set indicating which escape sequences should be passed on to the output unmolested. This is used where the unescaped string will be interpreted by a 3rd party library which needs to interpret the original escape sequences in the string, not their binary equivalents.

  • whether to process hex sequences (the escape character followed by 'x' and two hex digits)

  • whether to process octal sequences (the escape character followed by three octal digits)

    These can be used when copying data from an sbuff (parsing), e.g. the fr_sbuff_out_* functions.

Terminal elements and sets thereof

Terminal elements

A "terminal element", fr_sbuff_term_elem_t, is a structure with

  • a string

  • the string’s length (not counting the '\0' terminator)

Sets of terminal elements

A set of terminal elements, fr_sbuff_term_t, is a structure with

  • a length

  • a pointer to an array of terminal elements of the specified length

The terminal elements in the array must appear in lexicographical order.


Common to sbuffs and markers

A number of operations can be done either on initialized sbuffs or markers. Those that yield

  • the address of an sbuff or a marker

  • the address of an sbuff or a marker, qualified to prevent modification

  • the current position pointer of an sbuff or a marker

use the structure they’re given. In the following, references to the current pointer use that of the sbuff or marker, whichever is passed; reference to other members, when passed a marker, fetch it from the marker’s associated sbuff.

  • the buffer pointer

  • the start pointer

  • the end pointer

  • the number of bytes shifted

  • the number of bytes remaining. Note that this only reflects what’s in the buffer; an extensible buffer may have more data to read or space to fill.

  • the number of bytes used

  • the total number of bytes used (bytes used plus bytes shifted)

Finally, given two sbuffs or markers, one can get the difference between their current pointers.

Caching these values is strongly discouraged, because reads and writes to extensible sbuffs may render them invalid.



Given an sbuff, one can initialize it in several ways. The resulting buff will have no parent.

  • with a pointer to a buffer and either an end pointer or size. The sbuff will not be extensible, and will be immutable if and only if the buffer pointer has type char const *.

  • with a pointer to a buffer, the buffer’s size, a FILE * for a file open for reading, and a maximum amount to read. The sbuff will be extensible and mutable; an attempt to read after the data read so far is used up will cause an attempt to "shift" the sbuff to move out already-read text and read more, subject to the maximum amount to read.

  • with a context for allocation, an initial buffer size, and a maximum buffer size. The sbuff will be extensible and mutable; an attempt to write more bytes than reamain will cause an attempt to extend it, subject to the maximum buffer size.

  • Given a buffer and either an end pointer or size, one can create a temporary sbuff to pass to a function; it will have no parent, will not be extensible, and will be immutable if and only if the buffer pointer has type char const *. On successful return, the function should return the number of characters consumed from or written to the buffer.

  • Given an initialized sbuff, one can create a child sbuff, with the option of preventing its advances from automatically propagating back to its ancestors. The child will share the parent’s buffer, will be extensible if and only if the parent is, and will start at the parent’s current position.


One can write text into an sbuff. The source can be individual characters, a string, a readable sbuff, the result of a table lookup, or the result of processing a string according to a set of escape rules. One can even effectively sprintf() or vsprintf() into an sbuff. The current pointer is advanced past the text written.


  • One can read up to a specified number of characters from an sbuff, optionally subject to constraints such as being in or not being in a specified character set.

  • One can read text from an sbuff and attempt to interpret it as a boolean, integer, or floating point value, saving the value if the attempt succeeds.

The current pointer is advanced past the text read.


Given a readable sbuff, one can determine whether

  • the character at the current position is in a specified character set

  • the characters starting at the current position match a specified string (up to a specified length)

  • the character at the current position matches a specified character

One can also determine whether the character at the current position is in one of the following categories:

  • decimal digit

  • hexadecimal digit

  • lower case

  • upper case

  • alphabetic

  • whitespace

The condition evaluates to true if and only if enough characters are in the sbuff to perform the check (possibly after extension) and the check succeeds.

Position modification

There are various ways to explicitly set an sbuff’s position. A child sbuff’s position changes are propagated to its ancestors, unless it’s flagged to prevent it.

One can set an sbuff’s current pointer to the sbuff’s start or end.

Modifications common to sbuffs and markers

The following operations are shared with markers. One can set an sbuff’s (or marker’s) current pointer to:

  • a specified sbuff’s current pointer

  • a specified marker’s current pointer

  • a specified pointer to character

  • the sbuff’s (or for markers, the associated sbuff’s) start plus a specified displacement

For these, the new value cannot be before the sbuff’s (or associated sbuff’s, for markers) start or past its end.


One can advance an sbuff’s current pointer in one of several ways:

  • by a specified number of characters; this will not attempt to extend the sbuff

  • past the next character if it matches a specified character

  • past the next character if it doesn’t match a specified character

  • past text satisfying a condition, up to a specified length; the condition can be

    • matching a specified string; one can request a case-insensitive match

    • consisting of whitespace characters

    • consisting of characters in, or not in, a specified character set

  • to the first occurrence of text satisfying a condition, up to a specified length; the condition can be

    • being in a specified character set

    • matching a specified character

    • matching a specified UTF-8 character

    • matching a specified string; one can request a case-insensitive match


  • One can initialize a marker, given an sbuff. The marker’s position will be set to the sbuff’s current position, and the marker will be placed at the beginning of the sbuff’s list of markers.

  • One can release a marker from its association with an sbuff. This also releases all its predecessors on the sbuff’s marker list, so in particular, releasing the last marker empties the sbuff’s marker list.

  • One can retrieve an initialized marker’s position pointer. Extensions of its associated sbuff may invalidate a saved copy of the position pointer, so caching it is not recommended.

  • One can set a marker’s position pointer to its sbuff’s position pointer.

Terminal elements and sets thereof

  • There are two macros to initialize a set of terminal elements; one is used for singleton sets, the other for the more general case. In the latter case, the ordering requirement is left to the user.

  • Given two sets of terminal elements, one can determine their union.

Classifying the various functions and macros

There are many functions and macros involving sbuffs, but there is a logic to their naming, following the rules in the FreeRADIUS coding standards. They all start with fr_sbuff (the "prefix" and "noun" respectively). Then:

  • those starting fr_sbuff_out read data out of an sbuff

  • those starting fr_sbuff_in write data into an sbuff

  • those starting fr_sbuff_extend support extensible sbuffs; they’re only (implicitly) called in sbuff operations that try to read or write more than what is between the current position and the end

Some functions have generic macros that simplify their use. For example, fr_sbuff_out() calls the appropriate type-specific function depending on the type of the pointer. (There are no fr_sbuff_out_oct() or fr_sbuff_out_hex() generic macros to let one read any integral type using octal or hexadecimal.)