FreeRADIUS InkBridge


Values can be cast from one data type to another. However, this cast only changes the type of the data, it does not change the datas value. That is, a cast allows you to convert an octets data type to a string, but the resulting string may still contain non-printable characters.

Casting is used when the server is unable to automatically figure out the correct data type to use. For example, in the following expansion, it is not immediately obvious that the right side of the expression is an IP address. It could instead be interpreted as a string "".

if (%sql("SELECT ipaddress FROM table WHERE user=%{User-Name}") == }

Since there is no attribute reference on either side of the == operator, the interpreter has no way of knowing that the string is an IP address. There is unfortunately no way of always parsing strings in order to automatically determine which data type to use. Any such automatic parsing would work most of the time, but it would have error cases where the parsing was incorrect.

The solution is to resolve these ambiguities by allowing the values to be cast to a particular type. Casting a value to a type tells the interpreter how that value should be parsed. Casting is done by prefixing a value with the type name, surrounded by brackets; (…​).


We can add a cast to the above example, as follows:

if (%sql("SELECT ipaddress FROM table WHERE user=%{User-Name}") == (ipaddr) }

In this example, we prefix the IP address with the string (ipaddr). The interpreter then knows that the value 192.0.2. should be interpreted as the data type ipaddr, and not as the literal string "192.0.2.".

For a full list of data types which can be used in a cast, please see the list of data types page, and the "Basic Type Types" section.

In most cases, the server can automatically determine what data type to use. The cast syntax is used when either the data type is ambiguous, or when data should be normalized prior to comparison, or when a specific data type is required.

Casting Behavior

In general, casting data types of different sizes will fail. For example, casting an octet string of length 3 to uint32 is impossible, because uint32 data types are 4 bytes in length.

However, in many cases casting from one data type will "just work".

When the cast fails, the result is a NULL or empty value.

IP Addresses

Casting ipv4addr to ipv6addr will return an IPv6 address which contains the IPv4 address, with the upper bits as ::ffff. This result is then a valid "IPv4-mapped IPv6 address".

Casting ipv6addr to ipv4addr will work if the IPv6 address is a valid "IPv4-mapped IPv6 address".

Similar rules apply to casting between IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes.

Casting an IPv4 address to an IPv4 prefix is allowed, and will return a prefix of using a /32. Casting the other way is also allowed, but only if the prefix is /32.


Numbers can generally be cast from one data type to another, if the input value can be represented in the new data type.

For example, casting uint8 to uint16 will always succeed. However, casting a signed int8 to uint16 may fail, as negative values cannot be represented in the uint16 data type.


Casting any data type to octets means returning the "raw" value of the underlying data type. For example, casting an IPv4 address of value to octets will return the octets string 0x7f000001.

Casting an octets value to any other data type means interpreting the raw value as that data type, generally as if the data had been received from the network. For example, casting the octets string 0x7f000001 to ipvaddr will return the IPv4 address


Casting any data type to string means printing the data type to a string, and assigning the resulting value to the string. For a value of typ e octets, this means that the output is a hex string, prefixed with 0x. In order to get the "raw" hex values of an octets data type, the %hex(…​) expansion is used. It prints out the hex value of its input, without the leading 0x characters.

Casting a string value to another data type means parsing the string as that data type.

See double-quoted strings for examples of how double-quoted strings are used.

Other Data Types

Other data types such as ethernet, etc. can generally be cast to/from octet, and printed to/from string. Most other casts do not make sense, and will not work.


Unlang expressions can use casts, too, as in the following example:

Example Casting numbers to a 'string'
(string)(5 + 6)

The output of this cast will be the string value "11".

Casting expressions can also be used to "force" specific data types. For example, if we want to get the network byte-order value of a 16-bit integer, we can do the following:

Example Casting numbers to a fixed-size network byte order
(octets)((uint16) 258)

The output of this cast will be an octet string having value 0x0103. This kind of casting can be used to create and pack "ad hoc" data structures for sending in a packet:

Example Ad-hoc network structures
(octets)((uint16) 258) + (octets)((uint16) 4) + (octets)((ipv4addr)

will result in the octet string value 0x010300047f000001.


For compatibility with version 3, the <cast> syntax is also supported. We recommend, however, that people use the new syntax. The old syntax will eventually be removed, and will create an error.