FreeRADIUS InkBridge

SQL-IP-Pool Module

The module sqlippool provide configuration for the SQL based IP Pool module.

The database schemas are available at raddb/sql/ippool/<DB>/schema.sql.

Configuration Settings


SQL instance to use (from raddb/mods-available/sql)

If you have multiple sql instances, such as sql sql1 {…​}, use the instance name here: sql1.


This is duplicative of info available in the SQL module, but we have to list it here as we do not yet support nested reference expansions.


SQL table to use for ippool range and lease info.


IP lease duration.


DHCP offer duration.

pool_name: The attribute in the control list which contains the pool name.


List and attribute where the allocated address is written to.

It MUST be a qualified name of an attribute of a type which contains IP addresses.

e.g. ipaddr, ipv4prefix, ipv6addr, or ipv6prefix.


Expansion which identifies the owner of the lease.

For an operation (i.e. a request to extend a lease, or release an IP address) to be applied, the owner specified in the incoming packet must match the owner recorded for the lease.

For purposes such as IP assignment using a RADIUS Framed-IP-Address attribute the "owner" identifier could be a User-Name or a certificate serial number provided that the number of sessions is limited to one per user/serial.

For RADIUS the owner will likely be specified by:

  • %{radius.Calling-Station-Id} which binds the lease to the mac address of the user’s device. For RADIUS this is almost always the better option as it can allow the user’s device to move between NAS.

  • %{radius.NAS-Port} which binds the lease to a given port on the NAS. i.e. any device on that port can modify the lease. This should only be used when the port is constant for the length of the session (nearly everywhere except 802.11 wireless).

For DHCPv4 the owner will likely be specified by:

  • %{dhcpv4.Client-Hardware-Address} which binds the lease to the mac address of the user’s device.

  • %{&dhcpv4.Client-Identifier || &dhcpv4.Client-Hardware-Address} which binds the lease to either the custom identifier set by the DHCP client, or if this is absent, the mac address of the user’s device.

On a hostile network the owner SHOULD include a component that you trust, arranged such that the overall value cannot be spoofed by manipulation of the user-controlled data (i.e. the mac or identifier) provided by the user’s device.

For example it might be that the value Vendor-Specific.ADSL-Forum.Agent-Circuit-ID is considered trusted as it’s set by a controlled device at the edge of the network. Calling-Station-Id however, is usually provided by the user’s device so may be spoofed.

In order to prevent an attacker releasing DHCP leases for another device on the network, the owner string should be constructed so that it contains both the trusted and untrusted attributes, or if the trusted attribute is sufficiently stable and unique, only the trusted attribute. One example would be %{Vendor-Specific.ADSL-Forum.Agent-Circuit-ID}.%{Calling-Station-Id}.`

owner = "%{radius.Vendor-Specific.ADSL-Forum.Agent-Circuit-ID}.%{radius.Calling-Station-Id}"

The IP address being renewed or released.

For RADIUS the requested_address will almost always be %{radius.Framed-IP-Address}.

For DHCPv4 the requested_address will almost always be %{&dhcpv4.Requested-IP-Address || &dhcpv4.Client-IP-Address}.


The device controlling access to the network or relaying DHCP packets.

For RADIUS, this device is recorded so that if an Accounting-On or Accounting-Off packet is received, then all leases associated with the gateway can be released. 'gateway' in this context is synonymous with the NAS the user is connected to.

For DHCPv4, this device is recorded so that we can respond correctly to lease queries.

gateway = "%{dhcpv4.Gateway-IP-Address}"
messages { …​ }

These messages are added to the control.: items, as Module-Success-Message. They are not logged anywhere else, unlike previous versions. If you want to have them logged to a file, see the linelog module, and create an entry which writes Module-Success-Message message.

MySQL (MyISAM) has certain limitations that means it can hand out the same IP address to 2 different users. We suggest using an SQL DB with proper transaction support, such as PostgreSQL, or using MySQL with InnoDB.

Default Configuration

Load the queries from a separate file.
sqlippool {
	sql_module_instance = "sql"
	dialect = "mysql"
	ippool_table = "fr_ippool"
	lease_duration = 3600
	offer_duration = 60
	pool_name = IP-Pool.Name
	allocated_address_attr = radius.Framed-IP-Address
	owner = "%{radius.Calling-Station-ID}"
#	owner = "%{&dhcpv4.Client-Identifier || &dhcpv4.Client-Hardware-Address}"
	requested_address = "%{radius.Framed-IP-Address}"
#	requested_address = "%{&dhcpv4.Requested-IP-Address || &dhcpv4.Client-IP-Address}"
	gateway = "%{&radius.NAS-Identifier || &radius.NAS-IP-Address}"
	messages {
		exists = "Existing IP: %{reply.${..allocated_address_attr}} (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user %{User-Name})"
		success = "Allocated IP: %{reply.${..allocated_address_attr}} from %{control.IP-Pool.Name} (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user %{User-Name})"
		clear = "Released IP ${..requested_address} (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} user %{User-Name})"
		failed = "IP Allocation FAILED from %{control.IP-Pool.Name} (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user %{User-Name})"
		nopool = "No IP-Pool.Name defined (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user %{User-Name})"
	$INCLUDE ${modconfdir}/sql/ippool/${dialect}/queries.conf