FreeRADIUS InkBridge

ABFAB: Trust Router

This file represents a server that is implementing an identity provider for GSS-EAP (RFC 7055) using the trust router protocol for dynamic realm discovery. Any ABFAB identity provider is also an ABFAB relying party proxy.

This file does not include a TLS listener. Please see abfab-tls for a simple example of a RADSEC listener for ABFAB.

Default Instance

server { …​ }

recv Access-Request

Run these rules when receiving an Access-Request

Please see the policy.d/filter for full documentation.

If you intend to use CUI and you require that the Operator-Name be set for CUI generation and you want to generate CUI also for your local clients then uncomment the operator-name below and set the operator-name for your clients in clients.conf


If you want to generate CUI for some clients that do not send proper CUI requests, then uncomment the cui below and set add_cui = yes for these clients in clients.conf


For EAP requests.

Please see the mods-available/expiration for full documentation.

EAP authentication.

Allow EAP authentication.

send Access-Accept

Run these rules when sending an Access-Accept

For EAP-TTLS and PEAP, add the cached attributes to the reply. The session-state attributes are automatically cached when an Access-Challenge is sent, and automatically retrieved when an Access-Request is received.

The session-state attributes are automatically deleted after an Access-Reject or Access-Accept is sent.

Create the CUI value and add the attribute to Access-Accept. Uncomment the line below if returning the CUI.

If you want to have a log of authentication replies, uncomment the following line, and enable the detail reply_log module.

After authenticating the user, do another SQL query.

See "Authentication Logging Queries" in mods-available/sql

Instead of sending the query to the SQL server, write it into a log file.

Uncomment the following if you want to modify the user’s object in LDAP after a successful login.

Please see the exec for full documentation.

Remove reply message if the response contains an EAP-Message.

send Access-Reject

Please see the policy.d/eap for full documentation.

Run these rules for sending an Access-Reject.

if you have set edir = yes in the ldap module configuration, please remember to add the ldap module name (or instance).
Please see the attr_filter for full documentation.
Insert EAP-Failure message if the request was rejected by policy instead of because of an authentication failure And already has an EAP message For non-ABFAB, we insert the failure all the time, but for ABFAB It’s more desirable to preserve Reply-Message when we can.

Default Configuration

Remove reply message if the response contains an EAP-Message.
server abfab-idp {
	recv Access-Request {
		eap {
			ok = return
	authenticate eap {
	send Access-Accept {
		&reply += &session-state
#		cui
#		reply_log
#		sql_log
#		ldap
	send Access-Reject {
		if (&reply.Eap-Message) {