FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Exec Module

The module exec is used for executing external programs.

This module provides an xlat. To use it, put exec into the instantiate section. You can then do dynamic translation of attributes like:

Attribute-Name = %exec(/path/to/program,args, ...)

The output of exec is interpreted as the data type of the attribute.

The output of exec can even be pairs, such as User-Name = foo. Those pairs can be assigned to a list. If the program fails, it will output nothing.

Note that when the assignment is to a list, the exec call must be inside of a double-quoted string.

&request += "%exec(/path/to/program,args, ...)"

The value of the attribute will be replaced with the output of the program which is executed.

The attributes from the list referenced in the input_pairs configuraton item will be placed into environment variables of the executed program.

Alternatively, by setting the program item of the module configuration, the module can be called as a module rather than as an xlat function. See the echo module for an example of this.

In this scenario, if the configuration item output_pairs is set, and the wait configuration item is set to "yes", the output of executing the program will be parsed for attribute pairs which will be added to the list referenced in output_pairs.

When called as a module, the return value of the program run determines the result of the exec instance call as follows:

Code Return Description

< 0


the module failed.

= 0


the module succeeded.

= 1


the module rejected the user.

= 2


the module failed.

= 3


the module succeeded.

= 4


the module has done everything to handle the request.

= 5


the user’s configuration entry was invalid.

= 6


the user was locked out.

= 7


the user was not found.

= 8


the module did nothing.

= 9


the module updated information in the request.

> 9


the module failed.

Configuration Settings


Wait for the program to finish.

If we do NOT wait, then the program is "fire and forget", and any output attributes from it are ignored.


The name of the program to execute, and it’s arguments, when called as a module.

Dynamic translation is done on this field, so things like the following example will work.

See the echo module for examples of how to use the module "in line".


The attributes which are placed into the environment variables for the program.

Allowed values are:

Pairs Description


attributes from the request


attributes from the configuration items list


attributes from the reply


attributes that persist over multiple request/response rounds.


Where to place the output attributes (if any) from the executed program.

The values allowed, and the restrictions as to availability, are the same as for the input_pairs.

This configuration item is used only when the program configuration item is set, and when wait = yes is set.


Escape the environment variables.

If this is set, all the RADIUS attributes are capitalised and dashes replaced with underscores. Also, RADIUS values are surrounded with double-quotes.

That is to say:

User-Name=BobUser => USER_NAME="BobUser"

Note that this escaping only applies to environmental variables created from the request list. For environmental variables inherited from the main radiusd process no escaping is applied.


Inherit the environment of the current radiusd process.

Any input_pairs will be merged with these environmental variables.


Set a time wait for the program to finish.

Default is 10 seconds, which should be plenty for nearly anything. Range is 1 to 30 seconds.

You are strongly encouraged to NOT increase this value. In fact, you are much better off decreasing it to a lower value. Doing so will improve network stability and responsiveness.

Default Configuration

exec {
	wait = yes
#	program = "/bin/true %{User-Name}"
	input_pairs = &request
#	output_pairs = &reply
	shell_escape = yes
#	env_inherit = no
	timeout = 10