FreeRADIUS InkBridge


The mschap module provides support for MS-CHAPv1 and MS-CHAPv2, which is a common authentication mechanisms for Microsoft clients.

If you want to support mschap, there are only 3 possibilities:

  1. You have access to the users plaintext password, and you configure FreeRADIUS to read this, and set the Password.Cleartext control attribute.

  2. You have access to the NT (MS-CHAPv2) or LM (MS-CHAPv1) hashes, and you configure FreeRADIUS to read this and set the Password.NT/LM control attribute.

  3. You have Samba installed, joined into a windows domain, and use the ntlm_auth helper binary to pass authentication onwards to a domain controller.

These are the ONLY possibilities; MS-CHAP is IMPOSSIBLE if you e.g. only have the unix/md5/sha crypt of your users password.

For more info, see:


The EAP module provides MS-CHAPv2 support as well. It simply passes the data through to the mschap module, so you must configure mschap properly.


Method 3 above involves configuring the mschap module to call the Samba ntlm_auth helper:

mschap { ntlm_auth = `/path/to/bin …` }

You need to be careful about setting this command line. There are several options for the arguments, in particular username and domain:

  • –username=%{User-Name} - this will fail if you’re using realms or host-based auth

  • –username=%mschap(User-Name) - this will fail if using using suffix i.e. user@domain

You’ll need to fit this to your local needs.

Disabling ntlm_auth for some users

You might have some users in the domain, and others in files or SQL that you want to authenticate locally. To do this, set::

MS-CHAP-Use-NTLM-Auth := 0

This will disable ntlm_auth for that user/group. This is also obeyed for password changes (see below).

Password changes

From FreeRADIUS version 3.0.0 the mschap module supports password changes.

There are two options, ntlm_auth and local.


If you are using ntlm_auth to check passwords, you must also use ntlm_auth to change passwords. In modules/mschap you should configure::

mschap {
  ntlm_auth = …
  passchange {
    # path to the binary
    ntlm_auth = "/path/to/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=ntlm-change-password-1"

    # initial data to send
    # this MUST be supplied
    ntlm_auth_username = "username: %mschap(User-Name)"
    ntlm_auth_domain = "nt-domain: %{%mschap(NT-Domain) || 'YOURDOMAIN'}"

    # Or, you could try:
    ntlm_auth_username = "full-username: %{User-Name}"
    # ntlm_auth_domain - disabled

If you are using ntlm_auth, then domain controllers might say Password expired if the user password is valid but has expired; the mschap module will detect this and return error 648 to the client, instructing it to try a password change.

Note: if you have disabled ntlm_auth for a user/group, this will apply for password changes too - they will fall through to using the Local method.


If you are performing mschap locally with Password.Cleartext/Password.NT, you can decrypt and process the password change locally. To do this, you configure the local_cpw string:

mschap {
  passchange {
    local_cpw = "%function{…}

To actually force a client to change passwords, you must set the expiry bit in the SMB-Account-Ctrl value - for example::

# U == user
# e == expired

&control.SMB-Account-Ctrl-Text := '[Ue]'

This will cause the client to receive error 648 - password expired. Obviously you will need to ensure your local_cpw xlat clears this value, or else the client password will be expired the next time they log in. For example, you might use an SQL stored procedure to change passwords::

mschap {
  passchange {
    local_cpw = %sql("select change_password('%{User-Name}','%{MS-CHAP-New-NT-Password}')")

…and an example stored procedure for Postgres might be:

CREATE FUNCTION change_password(raduser text, ntpassword text) RETURNS
text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
    update radcheck set value=ntpassword where username=raduser and attribute='Password.NT';
    if not FOUND then
      -- the user does not exist; die
      return '';
    end if;
    update radcheck set value=replace(value,'e','') where username=raduser and attribute='SMB-Account-Ctrl-Text' and value like '%e%';
    return 'ok';

The local_cpw xlat has access to two variables:

  • MS-CHAP-New-NT-Password - the new value of Password.NT

  • MS-CHAP-New-Cleartext-PAssword - the new value of Password.Cleartext

    This allows you to do things like
    1. update via

SQL local_cpw = %sql("update radcheck set value='%{MS-CHAP-New-NT-Password}' where username=%{User-Name} and attribute=’Password.NT'")


  1. update via exec/script

local_cpw = `%exec('/my/script', %{User-Name}, %{MS-CHAP-New-Password.Cleartext})`
Wherever possible, you should use MS-CHAP-New-NT-Password. The reason is that cleartext passwords have undergone unicode transformation from the client encoding (utf-16) to the server encoding (utf-8) and the current code does this in a very ad-hoc way. The reverse transformation is also not done - when the server reads Password.Cleartext out of files/database, it assumes US-ASCII and thus international characters will fail.

N.B. this could be fixed, if we wanted to pull in something like iconv.

In addition, you should beware of Password.Cleartext when using SQL; any password character not in safe_characters will be encoded as a hex number, e.g. =20.

Password changes over EAP

You must set the following in eap.conf
eap {
  mschapv2 {
    send_error = yes

Otherwise password changes for PEAP/MSCHAPv2 will not work.