FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Listen on for Access-Requests

When the server receives a packet, it is processed through the "authorize", etc. sections listed here, NOT the global ones the "default" site.

This client is listed within the "server" section, and is therefore known ONLY to the socket defined in the "listen" section above. If the client IP sends a request to a different socket, the server will treat it as an unknown client, and will not respond.

In contrast, the client listed at the top of this file is outside of any "server" section, and is therefore global in scope. It can send packets to any port defined in a global "listen" section. It CANNOT send packets to the listen section defined above, though.

Note that you don’t have to have a "virtual_server = example" line here, as the client is encapsulated within the "server" section.

Some example policies. See "man unlang" for more.

And then reject the user. The next line requires that the "always reject {}" section is defined in the "modules" section of radiusd.conf.

Default Configuration

#	An example virtual server configuration.
#	This client will be available to any "listen" section that
#	are defined outside of a virtual server section.  However,
#	when the server receives a packet from this client, the
#	request will be processed through the "example" virtual
#	server, as the "client" section contains a configuration item
#	to that effect.
#	Note that this client will be able to send requests to any
#	port defined in a global "listen" section.  It will NOT,
#	however, be able to send requests to a port defined in a
#	"listen" section that is contained in a "server" section.
#	With careful matching of configurations, you should be able
#	to:
#	- Define one authentication port, but process each client
#	  through a separate virtual server.
#	- define multiple authentication ports, each with a private
#	  list of clients.
#	- define multiple authentication ports, each of which may
#	  have the same client listed, but with different shared
#	  secrets
#	FYI: We use an address in the 192.0.2.* space for this example,
#	as[RFC 3330] says that that /24 range is used for documentation
#	and examples, and should not appear on the net.  You shouldn't
#	use it for anything, either.
client {
	shortname	= example-client
	secret		= testing123
	virtual_server  = example
#	An example virtual server.  It starts off with "server name {"
#	The "name" is used to reference this server from a "listen"
#	or "client" section.
server example {
	listen {
		ipaddr =
		port = 1821
		type = auth
	client {
		shortname	= example-client
		secret		= testing123
	recv Access-Request {
		if (&User-Name == "bob") {
			&control.Password.Cleartext := "bob"
	send Access-Accept {
	send Access-Reject {
		&reply.Reply-Message = "This is only an example."