FreeRADIUS InkBridge

OpenDirectory Module

The opendirectory module is only used when the server is running on the same system as OpenDirectory. The configuration of the module is hard-coded by Apple, and cannot be changed here.

The mschap module will also automatically talk to OpenDirectory if the server is built on an OSX machine. However, you must also set dsAttrTypeNative:apple-enabled-auth-mech attribute in the /config/dirserv OpenDirectory record.

You will probably also need to change the user passwords in order to re-generate the appropriate hashes.

In order to allow NTLM passwords, you may need to run the following command on the OpenDirectory machine:

Configuration Settings

This module takes no configuration.

Default Configuration

#	dscl -u diradmin -p /LDAPv3/ -append /Config/dirserv apple-enabled-auth-mech SMB-NTLM2v
opendirectory {