FreeRADIUS InkBridge

DHCPv4 Module

Configuration Settings

The DHCPv4 module is used as a relay.

For reach request, you should set &control.Net.Dst.IP and maybe &control.Net.Dst.Port to the address of the next DHCPv4 server or relay.

Packets MUST also have a Gateway-IP-Address option, otherwise they will be dropped. This module does not (yet) support receiving replies from the DHCPv4 server. Any packets sent to the outgoing socket will be discarded.

ipaddr: The IP address we use for sending packets.

This MUST be an IPv4 address. IPv6 addresses are not supported for DHCPv4.


The port we use for sending packets.

The default DHCPv4 client port is 68. It should be changed from this only for testing.


Interface to bind to.


The maximum packet size.

Packets which are larger than this will not be sent.

Useful range: 300..1500 or so.


How big the kernel’s send buffer should be.

Default Configuration

dhcpv4 {
	ipaddr =
#	port = 68
#	interface = eth0
#	max_packet_size = 576
#	send_buff = 1048576