FreeRADIUS InkBridge


The dictionary files define names, numbers, and data types for use in the server. In general, the dictionary files are defined by industry standard specifications, or by a vendor for their own equipment. The dictionary files in the share directory should not be edited. Editing those files will likely break the server.

Local dictionary definitions should be placed in the raddb/dictionary file.

Concepts and Background

The dictionaries are necessary because many networking protocols do not send humanly-readable names over the network. Instead, the protocols send sequences of bytes to represent concepts, where each byte has a particular meaning.

At the same time, it is useful for administrators to write policies based on names, and not on numbers. No one wants to write a policy of the form if concept 15 has value "foo", then do …​.

The dictionaries solve this problem by enabling the server to decode the magic numbers into humanly-readable names. The administrator can then write policies of the form if the User-Name has value "bob", then do…​.

These policies are much simpler to create and understand.

The use of "json over HTTP" for almost everything is a few decades newer than RADIUS, DHCP, etc. Perhaps one day everyone will move to that. Until then, we are stuck with the dictionaries.

The dictionaries also enable the server to decode protocols using data types, and then present that decoded data to the administrator. As with the other examples above, it would be very difficult write policies based on "raw hex" data: if User-Name is 0x626f62 …​.

The dictionaries solve the data type problem by associating data types with a name and number. That way the bytes 0x7f000001 can be presented to the administrator as an IPv4 address of

This association is two-way, protocols can get decoded to understandable names and data types, and those names and data can get encoded in protocols.

Dictionaries are always local

In almost all cases, the names defined in a dictionary have no meaning outside of the server. The names are never sent "on the wire" between server and client. Editing the dictionary names on one system will not change the names used by another system.

The names are also local to each implementation. FreeRADIUS has chosen a set of names for itself, which are based on specifications and on vendor definitions. In nearly all cases, these names are either the same as the external definition, or are very similar to the external definition.

In general, the only reason for us to change the names is that the names conflict with another name. It is not possible to have the same name mean two entirely different things.

Vendors can submit new dictionaries to us via email, or via GitHub.

Names are Case-insensitive

When names are printed, they are printed as the name given in the dictionaries. When a name is looked up in the dictionaries, the lookup is done in a case-insensitive manner.

Names are Hierarchical

In earlier versions of FreeRADIUS, the names were global. The global names for attributes caused issue with implementations, as noted in RFC 6929 Section 2.7.1. This limitation caused the names to be long, and have "vendor prefixes", such as with Cisco-AVPair.

The names in FreeRADIUS are now hierarchical. In most cases, the old names are simply split into separate sub-names with a period (.). For example, the previously mentioned Cisco-AVPair now becomes Cisco.AVPair., or Vendor-Specific.Cisco.AVPair.

If there is still a need to use the old names, the ALIAS keyword can help. See raddb/dictionary for additional documentation.

Names matter, not definitions

Names occur in many places, such as in ATTRIBUTE definitions, DEFINE, MEMBER, STRUCT, etc. We generally refer to all of these entities as being 'attributes', no matter how the name was defined.

Files and Location

The dictionaries are placed into a share directory, which is usually in a location such as /usr/share/freeradius/. The definitions for each individual specification or vendor dictionary are placed in files with the appropriate name. For example, dictionary.rfc2865 or

We reiterate that these dictionaries should not be edited. These dictionaries ship with the server, and any new installation (or upgrade) will over-write local changes.

Local edits should be kept to the raddb/dictionary file, which will not be overwritten on an upgrade.

File Syntax

The dictionary file format follows the standard RADIUS dictionary syntax. In many respects, the format has had only minor changes since the original Livingston RADIUS server in 1993.

The file format is simple, and line-oriented. Blank lines are ignored. Hash (#) characters are comments, and cause everything after the hash character to be ignored, up to the end of the line.

Every non-blank line starts with a keyword, as given in the table below. In most cases, the main keywords of interest are ATTRIBUTE and VALUE.

Table 1. Dictionary Definition Keywords
Keyword Description


Define a name which references an ATTRIBUTE


Define a name, number, and data type mapping


Define a name and data type mapping


Define a named enumeration of values for use with multiple ATTRIBUTEs


Set flags for subsequent definitions


Include another dictionary file


Define a member of a STRUCT


Define a protocol like RADIUS or DHCPv4


Define a structure which can contain MEMBERs


Define a name for a particular value of an ATTRIBUTE


Define a name and number for a vendor

The following keywords still XXX

Table 2. Dictionary Nesting Keywords
BEGIN-PROTOCOL Begin defining a protocol dictionary


End a protocol dictionary


Begin defining children of a tlv data type


End defining children of a tlv data type


Begin defining vendor-specific attributes


End defining vendor-specific attributes