FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Semantic Patches

Coccinelle is an open source tool that can analyze and transform C code according to specified rules creating SmPL (Semantic Patch Language) patches. Semantic patches are much more powerful than patches or regular expressions. so, that’s why we use it.

About Coccinelle

Maintainer work

All cocci files can be found in scripts/coccinelle/.

Run tests

We have two different modes:

1. Only print the diff output.

$ make coccinelle.diff

2. Do the modification on the file directly and print out the diff.

$ make coccinelle.patch

Proposing new semantic patches

New semantic patches can be proposed and submitted. they should be organized by name in scripts/coccinelle/ with good description inside the script or follow the below tutorial.

1. Create your file in scripts/coccinelle/foo.cocci


expression E;
constant C;
- !E && C
+ (!E && C)

2. Apply the patch calling spatch

$ spatch --tmp-dir build --very-quiet --in-place --cocci-file scripts/coccinelle/foo.cocci --dir src
$ git diff src/
diff --git a/src/lib/eap/session.c b/src/lib/eap/session.c
index 038157be7c..4982bcf4e9 100644
--- a/src/lib/eap/session.c
+++ b/src/lib/eap/session.c
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ static int _eap_session_free(eap_session_t *eap_session)
         *      and which aren't deleted early due to a likely RADIUS
         *      retransmit which nukes our ID, and therefore our state.
-       if (((request && RDEBUG_ENABLED) || (!request && DEBUG_ENABLED)) &&
+       if (((request && RDEBUG_ENABLED) || ((!request && DEBUG_ENABLED))) &&
            (eap_session->tls && !eap_session->finished && ((fr_time() - eap_session->updated) > (((fr_time_t) 3) * NSEC)))) {
                ROPTIONAL(RWDEBUG, WARN, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
                ROPTIONAL(RWDEBUG, WARN, "!! EAP session %016" PRIxPTR " did not finish!                   !!",
diff --git a/src/lib/eap_aka_sim/module.c b/src/lib/eap_aka_sim/module.c
index 6fff875fb3..d172db865a 100644
--- a/src/lib/eap_aka_sim/module.c
+++ b/src/lib/eap_aka_sim/module.c
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ unlang_action_t eap_aka_sim_process(rlm_rcode_t *p_result, module_ctx_t const *m
                        goto done;

-               if (!fr_pair_list_empty(&request->request_pairs) && RDEBUG_ENABLED2) {
+               if ((!fr_pair_list_empty(&request->request_pairs) && RDEBUG_ENABLED2)) {
                        RDEBUG2("Decoded attributes");
                        log_request_pair_list(L_DBG_LVL_2, request, NULL, &request->request_pairs, NULL);