FreeRADIUS InkBridge


lhs OP rhs

The most common use-case for conditions is to perform comparisons. The lhs and rhs of a conditional comparison can be &Attribute-Name or data. The the OP is an operator, commonly == or <=. It is used to control how the two other portions of the condition are compared.

The Comparison Operators

The comparison operators are given below.

Operator Description


less than


less than or equals


equals, with automatic type casting


not equals, with automatic type casting


equals, but both operands have to be of the same type


not equals, or they are not of the same type


greater than or equals


greater than


regular expression matches


regular expression does not match

The comparison operators perform type-specific comparisons. The only exceptions are the regular expression operators, which interpret the lhs as a printable string, and the rhs as a regular expression.

IP Address Comparisons

The type-specific comparisons operate as expected for most data types. The only exception is data types that are IP addresses or IP address prefixes. For those data types, the comparisons are done via the following rules:

  • Any unqualified IP address is assumed to have a /32 prefix (IPv4) or a /128 prefix (IPv6).

  • If the prefixes of the left and right sides are equal, then the comparisons are performed on the IP address portion.

  • If the prefixes of the left and right sides are not equal, then the comparisons are performed as set membership checks.

The syntax allows conditions such as < 192.0.2/24. This condition will return true, as the IP address' is within the network `192.0.2/24.


In some situations, it is useful to force the left side to be interpreted as a particular data type.

The data types used by the cast must be a type taken from the RADIUS dictionaries, e.g., ipaddr, integer, etc. These types are not the same as the data types used in the configuration files.
(cast)lhs OP rhs

The cast text can be any one of the supported data types, as with the following example:

(ipaddr)&Class ==

In this example, the Class attribute is treated as if it was an IPv4 address and is compared to the address

Casting is most useful when the left side of a comparison is a dynamically expanded string. The cast ensures that the comparison is done in a type-safe manner, instead of performing a string comparison.

(integer)`/bin/echo 00` == 0

In this example, the string output of the echo program is interpreted as an integer. It is then compared to the right side via integer comparisons. Since the integer 00 is equivalent to the integer 0, the comparison will match. If the comparison had been performed via string equality checks, then the comparison would fail, because the strings 00 and 0 are different.


For compatibility with version 3, the <cast> syntax is also supported. We recommend, however, that people use the new syntax.