Actions and Return Codes

The module syntax allows for the module return codes to be over-ridden on a per-module basis. The actions section allows for section return codes to be over-ridden on a per-section basis.

actions {
	fail = 1
	ok = handled
	reject = return
	retry {
		max_rtx_time = 1
		max_rtx_count = 3
		max_rtx_duration = 3

section priority overrides are specified in an actions block, which must be the last thing in a section. Actions can be set in blocks for the following keywords:

  • case

  • if

  • else

  • elsif

  • group

  • timeout

  • transaction


Higher numbers mean higher priorities. An rcode of fail with priority 3 will over-ride an rcode of ok with priority 1,

Override Syntax

The format of an override is <rcode> = (<integer>|<action>) - That is, a number greater than or equal to 0, or a named action.

Table 1. Named Actions
Action Description


"break" out of the parent block and stop processing it.


Use the default priority for this rcode.


return a reject rcode.


re-run the section, as given by the the retry subsection.


return out of the parent block and stop processing it.

Return code Description


The operation failed. Usually as a result of an external dependency like a database being unavailable or an internal error.


The request has been "handled", no further policies in the current section should be called, and the section should immediately exit.


The request, or operation, was invalid. In the case of requests this usually indicates absent or malformed attribute values.


The operation did nothing.


A 'lookup' operation returned no results.


Operation completed successfully but did not change any attributes in the request.


The operation indicates the current request should be 'rejected'. What this actually means is different from protocol to protocol. It usually means that access to the requested resource should be denied, or that the current request should be NAKd. Usually returned when provided credentials were invalid.


The operation completed successfully and updated one or more attributes in the request.


Access to a particular resource is denied. This is similar to reject but is the result of an authorizational check failing, as opposed to credentials being incorrect.


Returned by an operation when execution of a request should be suspended.

In versions ≤ v3.2.x the disallow rcode was called userlock. disallow and userlock have an identical meaning. disallow will be returned in any instance where userlock was returned in v3.0.x or v3.2.x

Retry subsection

The retry subsection is optional, and is only used when the right-hand side of an action is retry.

Table 2. Retry Configuration
Configuration Description


maximum number of times this section is retried.


maximum time for one try before it is time out, and another retry made.


maximum time for all retries before the section returns fail

All times and durations are parsed as the data type time_delta.

If no value is given, it is assumed to be zero.