FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Configuration Files

This section documents the format and content of the configuration files.

Format and Layout

The configuration files are in a simple text-based format. They are loaded once when the server starts, and then are static for the duration of the server. Changes to the configuration file are picked up only when the server restarts.

The configuration files are organized into groups, generally by directory, as outlined below.


The radiusd.conf file is the main server configuration file. When the server starts, it reads this file. This file then loads all of the other configuration files.


Site-local dictionary entries are placed in the dictionary file.


The mods-available/ directory contains configuration for all of the available modules. Each module configuration is different. Each file contains documentation that describes what the module is, and how it works.

The directory contains almost 100 modules. Most configurations will only use a few modules. The remaining module configurations exist in order to serve as documentation and worked examples.


The mods-enabled/ directory contains the enabled modules. The files here should generally be soft links back to the mods-available/ directory.

For example, the following commands would enable the ldap module:

cd mods-enabled/
ln -s ../mods-available/ldap

Note that the ldap module must still be configured for the local systems.


This directory contains complex configuration files for modules loaded from mods-enabled/.

For example, the sql module can connect to multiple types of SQL databases. Each SQL database has it’s own schema, along with default queries for RADIUS, IP pools, DHCP, etc. If these files were placed into the ’mods-available/` directory, that directory would get compled and difficult to manage.

Instead, the files are placed into a separate directory.

Note that only a few modules require this extra configuration.


The policy.d/ directory contains sample policies that are used when processing packets. These policies implement complex logic which often uses multiple modules.

There is no need to have available or enabled policies. All policies are loaded by the server, and unused ones are ignored.


The sites-available/ directory contains virtual servers which process packets. They are similar in concept to the virtual servers used by Apache and Nginx.

Each virtual server will begin with a server declaration, along with it’s name. e.g. server default { …​. The declaration is then followed by a namespace = parameter, which describes which application protocol is being used in that virtual server. e.g. namespace = radius.

The virtual server will then contain zero or more listen subsections. Each listen subsection defines a network socket which is used to receive packets.

The virtual server will then contain multiple recv { …​ } and send { …​ } subsections. These subsections are used to process packets.

Note that unlike v3, there are no longer any authorize, authenticate, etc. sections. All of the processing sections have been renamed. This change was necessary in order to simplify the operation of the server, and to better support multiple protocols.

Please see the upgrade file for more information about these changes.

The sites-available/ directory contains many files. Each file is a worked example of how to achieve a particular goal using FreeRADIUS. We recommend reading these files in order to see how complex goals can be achieved.


The sites-enabled/ directory contains the enabled virtual servers. The files here should generally be soft links back to the sites-available/ directory.

For example, to enable the default virtual server, you can run these commands:

cd sites-enabled/
ln -s ../sites-available/default

The standard installation of FreeRADIUS enables only a few virtual servers.


This directory contains certificates and configuration for EAP and RADIUS over TLS (i.e. RadSec).

Changing the Configuration

When configuring the server, please start with the default configuration. It is intended to work in the widest possible circumstances, with minimal site-local changes. Most sites can just configure a few modules such as ldap and sql, and the server will do everything you need. More complex configurations require more effort, of course.

For more complex configurations, the best approach is to make a series of small changes. Start the server after every change via radiusd -XC to see if the configuration is OK. Use radclient to send the server test packets. Read the debug output (radiusd -X) to verify that the server is doing what you expect.

For complex policies, it is best to write down what you want in plain English. Be specific. Write down what the server receives in a packet, which databases are used, and what the database should return. The more detailed these explanations, the easier it will be to create a working configuration.

Take your time. It is better to make small incrementatal progress, than to make massive changes, and then to spend weeks debugging it.