FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Deprecated or removed Expansions.

There are a number of expansions in v3 which have been either deprecated or removed in v4. The following text explains why these functions were removed, and what functionality has replaced them.


This expansion has been removed. Instead, just use %{ …​ }.

&reply.Reply-Message := "The 1 + 2 = %{1 + 2}"


This expansion has been removed. Instead, just use %{(integer) …​} with math inside of the brackets.

&reply.Reply-Message := "Value of Service-Type is %{(integer) &Service-Type}"


Pack multiple multiple attributes and/or literals into a binary string. For best results, each attribute passed to pack should be fixed size. That is, not data type octets or string as the length of those values will not be encoded.

See also the unpack module, which is the inverse to pack.

&reply.Class := "%pack(%{reply.Framed-IP-Address}%{NAS-IP-Address}}"

It is easier to just use casting and string append:

Better example
&reply.Class := (octets) &Framed-IP-Address + (octets) &NAS-IP-Address.


This expansion has been removed. Instead, just use %{(string) …​} with an expression inside of the brackets.

&reply.Reply-Message := "The printable version of Class is %{(string) &Class}"

%strlen( …​ )

This expansion is deprecated and will be removed. Just use %length(…​) instead.