FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Using OpenLDAP in a docker container


Osixia! provides a fully functionally OpenLDAP container which can be instantiated using the docker invocation below.

This docker invocation also sets up a readonly user, and loads the custom FreeRADIUS schemas required for RADIUS to LDAP attribute mapping, dynamic client definitions, and attribute profiles.

Define site specific variables

Change the values here to match local paths and your site specific configuration.

# Where to store a temporary shallow clone of the FreeRADIUS source
# Or the path to an existing copy of the FreeRADIUS source

# Base DN

# Domain

# DN Suffix

# Password for the administrative user

# Password for the read only user

Instantiate an OpenLDAP docker container

if [ ! -d "${FREERADIUS_SRC}" ]; then
	git clone --depth 1 "${FREERADIUS_SRC}"
docker run -it --rm -p 389:389 \
	--env LDAP_READONLY_USER=true \
	--volume "${FREERADIUS_SRC}/doc/schemas/ldap/openldap/freeradius-policy.schema:/container/service/slapd/assets/config/bootstrap/schema/mmc/freeradius-policy.schema:ro" \
	--volume "${FREERADIUS_SRC}/doc/schemas/ldap/openldap/freeradius-radius.schema:/container/service/slapd/assets/config/bootstrap/schema/mmc/freeradius-radius.schema:ro" \
	--volume "${FREERADIUS_SRC}/doc/schemas/ldap/openldap/freeradius-clients.schema:/container/service/slapd/assets/config/bootstrap/schema/mmc/freeradius-clients.schema:ro" \
	osixia/openldap:1.2.5 --copy-service

Populate with test data

Once docker is running, there should now be an LDAP server running on localhost, it can now be populated with test data.

For test data we will be using the object definitions from the LDAP module’s CIT (Continuous Integration Testing) script.

These object definitions have been designed to exercise all features of the FreeRADIUS LDAP module.

sed -e '1,/^description:/ d' "${FREERADIUS_SRC}/src/tests/modules/ldap/" \
    | ldapadd -H ldap://localhost -x -D cn=admin,${LDAP_BASE_DN} -w admin

There should be no errors, and the console with the running LDAP server should show requests being handled.

If the LDAP server server is stopped, as with CTRL-C, then the database contents will be lost. All of the steps above will have to be re-done the next time the server is started.

In order to make the LDAP database persistent, see the osixia/openldap instructions.

Check it works

As a final step you should verify that test data has been loaded correctly. This can be done using the ldapsearch utility using the LDAP read only user.

The command below will retrieve the entry for one of the test freeradiusClient entries. You should see a single search result returned if everything worked correctly.

ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap://localhost -x -D cn=readonly,<base_dn> -w <readonly_password> -b <base_dn> '(&(objectClass=freeradiusClient)(freeradiusClientShortname=client2))'
Example 1. Searching for a RADIUS Client
ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap://localhost -x -D cn=readonly,dc=example,dc=com -w readonly -b dc=example,dc=com '(&(objectClass=freeradiusClient)(freeradiusClientShortname=client2))'
Expected output
dn: freeradiusClientIdentifier=,ou=clients,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: freeradiusClient
objectClass: radiusClient
freeradiusClientShortname: client2
freeradiusClientType: cisco
freeradiusClientComment: Another test client
radiusClientSecret: 123secret
radiusClientRequireMa: TRUE