FreeRADIUS InkBridge


The server includes a number of "plug-in" modules which perform a variety of actions. A full and annotated module list available on a separate page.

Modules are divided up into a few categories:

Authentication list

Modules which implement authentication protocols such as PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP, EAP, etc.

Datastore list

Modules which connect to external data stores such as SQL, LDAP, etc.

IO list

Modules which write to disk, external log systems, etc.

Language list

Modules which encapsulate a scripting language into the server such as Perl, Python, Lua, etc.

Miscelleanous list

Modules which do not belong elsewhere.

Policy list

Modules which implement policies to filter or enforce packets.

Enabling a Module

Modules are enabled by creating a file in the mods-enabled/ directory. You can also create a soft-link from one directory to another:

$ cd mods-enabled/
$ ln -s ../mods-available/foo

This will enable module foo. Be sure that you have configured the module correctly before enabling it, otherwise the server will not start. You can verify the server configuration by running radiusd -XC.

A large number of modules are enabled by default. This allows the server to work with the largest number of authentication protocols. Please be careful when disabling modules. You will likely need to edit the sites-enabled/ files to remove references to any disabled modules.

Conditional Modules

FreeRADIUS allows modules to be conditionally loaded. This is useful when you want to have a virtual server which references a module, but does not require it. Instead of editing the virtual server file, you can just conditionally enable the module.

Modules are conditionally enabled by adding a - before their name in a virtual server. For example, you can do:

server {
    recv Access-Request {

This configuration means that the server will require the LDAP module, but use the SQL module only if it is configured.

This feature is not very useful for production configurations. It is, however, very useful for the default examples that ship with the server.

Ignoring A Module

If you see this message:

Ignoring "sql" as it is commented out.

then it signifies that the module is commented out as desceribed above. Most of the time this message can be ignored. The message can be fixed by find the references to -module in the virtual server, and deleting them.

Another way to fix it is to configure the module, as described above.


Allowing conditional modules simplifies the default virtual servers that are shipped with FreeRADIUS. This means that if you want to enable LDAP (for example), you no longer need to edit the files in sites-available/ in order to enable it.

Instead, you should edit the mods-available/ldap file to point to your local LDAP server. Then, enable the module via the soft-link method described above.

Once the module is enabled, it will automatically be used in the default configuration.

Module-Specific Configuration Files

Some modules require the use of additional configuration files. These additional files are located in the mods-config/ directory. The meaning and interpretation of those files is documented there. These files are often in a custom, module-specific format, instead of using the standard configuration file format.