FreeRADIUS InkBridge

The VALUE keyword

VALUE <attribute-name> <name> <data>

The VALUE keyword defines name for a particular value of an ATTRIBUTE or MEMBER.

In many cases, it is useful to refer to values by name, for the same reason it is useful to refer to attributes by name.


The name of the attribute, which must exist.

It is not possible to define a VALUE for structural attributes, such as tlv, struct, group, etc. It is also not possible to define a VALUE for string attributes, or for an ALIAS.


The name of the VALUE. It can be used instead of the <data>.

Where an attribute has a VALUE defined, the <name> will be be printed instead of the corresponding <data>. It is still possible to assign a <data> value to an attribute, as the <name> is a synonym for the <data>, and does not replace the <data>

Data Types and VALUEs

Unlike earlier versions of the server, VALUEs are not limited to integer data types. It is possible to define a VALUE for any non-structural data type. That is, any data type which has values, and does not contain other attributes.

It is therefore not possible to define VALUEs for data types group, struct, tlv, vendor, etc.

VALUE Service-Type Login-User 1
VALUE Framed-IP-Address broadcast