Locating the user
No matter how the LDAP module is called (via its authorize
, authenticate
methods or the %ldap.group()
xlat) the first operation the
module performs it to populate control.LDAP-UserDN
with the location of
the authenticating user’s object in LDAP.
Below is an example of configuring a user section for OpenLDAP, with callouts explaining how the different configuration items are used. See ldapsearch for how to determine the appropriate values for your directory.
Editing mods-available/ldap to specify how to search for user objects
ldap {
user {
# example - ou=people,${..base_dn}
base_dn = "<user.base_dn>" (1)
# example - (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name || User-Name}))
filter = "(&(<user.filter>)(<user_uid_attribute>=%{Stripped-User-Name || User-Name}))" (2)
1 | Where in the directory to begin the search for the user object. This must be a point in the directory tree containing the objects for all users that might authenticate. |
2 | The filter used to locate the user object belonging to the authenticating user. The user filter is normally a combination of two subfilters. The first subfilter specifies the objectClass of user objects. The second filter selects a user object matching the username the user provided at login. |
It is important that the See User object disambiguation for strategies for limiting the number of user object entries returned. |