FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Unlang Policies

Goal: Create and use policies for abstracting business logic

Time: 10-20 minutes


  • etc/raddb/policy.d/*

man page: unlang

For this tutorial you should start with an empty authorization section (recv Access-Request { …​ } or in ≤ v3.2.x authorize { …​ }) in the virtual server you’re using to process requests.

Look through the existing files in etc/raddb/policy.d/* and man unlang to get a feel for the unlang syntax and the tasks that policies can be used for.

The basic structure of a policy is the policy name then a set of curly braces containing the body of the policy

a_policy {
	if (&User-Name =~ /@([\w.+])/) {
		&reply.Reply-Message := "Hello remote %{User-Name}"

Policies defined within etc/raddb/policy.d/* can be called from anywhere in the server where modules can be called.

authorize {

Create a policy proxy_to_realm that forwards the incoming request to to a remote realm if the User-Name attribute ends in @<remote realm>.

The contents of this policy should be identical to the the 'unlang' code written for the Splitting Strings tutorial.

Call this policy at the start of the authorize {} section of the etc/raddb/sites-available/default virtual server.

All the information you need to create this policy is contained within man unlang pages and the examples in this exercise.


  1. What are the advantages of using the policy language over interpreted language modules?

  2. What are the main differences between a policy and a function in other languages?