Build and Install FreeRadius on Ubuntu
Install from repositories
Build and Install from Source
Installing from repositories
This is usually the easiest solution, as long as the system packages are the latest in their own main version, or can be updated before building. Building from source is recommended as it will contain the latest version, that contains the most recent bug fixes.
To begin your install, enter the command below to get the latest info about packages from Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update
Then make sure the system is fully upgraded before installing freeradius:
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
After that has been done we can use apt to install freeradius:
sudo apt-get install freeradius
This will install the common,utils, ssl-cert, libdbi-perl, and libfreeradius2 packages. As you probably going to connect to a database or use perl, you should probably also install (some of) the suggested packages. Such as: freeradius-ldap, freeradius-postgresql and freeradius-mysql.
sudo apt-get install freeradius-ldap
The 'apt install freeradius' command will list all the suggested packages.
If all went well freeradius should now be installed and started. You can start or stop the server with:
sudo service freeradius stop
sudo service freeradius start
Suggested is to stop the service and until all is working use freeradius in debug mode.
sudo freeradius -X
Installing from Source
Installing from source can be daunting for first time users, but as long as you read the output of the building process, it tell you what went wrong or what is missing.
Your first step is to download the source files which can be found on one of the following sites:
Download the latest version of the FreeRADIUS source from one of these sites:
directly from the FreeRADIUS FTP site; or
from GitHub.
Make sure unzip or any other utility that can extract the zip is installed. If not :
sudo apt-get install unzip
Here I download and extract the source to a temporary directory: (I’m using here a directory in my home folder.) Make sure the filename is the same as your downloaded one.
cd /home/myusername/ mkdir freeradius cd freeradius wget
or (depending on type of archive)
tar zxf freeradius-server-W.X.Y.tar.gz
Now we need to go into the directory containing the source.
cd freeradius-server-W.X.Y/
And run the following :
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc
It will probably error out on a clean system. Because the build tools are not installed or because not all dependencies are installed.
Make sure fakeroot and build tools are installed (read the error message!!):
sudo apt-get install fakeroot dpkg-dev quilt debhelper
In the file debian/rules we might need to make some changes depending on other packages we might not have installed or support that we do (not) need. In one of my own installs, there was no iodbc database support required as I’m using ldap as a database backend. If I build it will give an error and fail to build because of that. You can modify your install in the following way to prevent the error.
pico debian/rules
And just before
--without-rlm_eap_ikev2 \
I create a new line :
--without-rml_sql_iodbc \
You can remove and add any module that you (do not) require this way.
It might also error with more unmet dependencies to be able to build. When you run the command to build the package but it errors out with a dependencies/conflict abortion, install them as well.
In my clean Ubuntu 16.04 install that meant :
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libcap-dev libgdbm-dev libiodbc2-dev libjson0-dev libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libpam0g-dev libpcap-dev libperl-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpq-dev libreadline-dev libsasl2-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libtalloc-dev libwbclient-dev libyubikey-dev libykclient-dev libmemcached-dev libhiredis-dev python-dev samba-dev
After that we try again to build.
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc
If it errors out after it has already started building the deb files, you are sometimes better off starting anew. If that happens :
cd /home/myusername/freeradius rm -R freeradius-server-W.X.Y
And unpack the archive again. I.e.
And edit the debian/rules commenting out or adding depending on the error it gave you at the end of the build.
After build has completed without any errors we can finally install.
cd /home/myusername/freeradius sudo dpkg -i *freeradius*_W.X.Y*_*.deb
The install might show errors. Read the error !! Ask questions on freeradius list if you cannot figure it out. v2 will fail install often on open_ssl issues. Quick thing to change to prevent just that error is to edit a config file so freeradius will not complain about ssl that might be vulnerable. ( /etc/freeradius/eap.conf (v2) or /etc/freeradius/modules-enabled/eap )
Building on Debian or Ubuntu
Building Debian packages (including Ubuntu) of FreeRADIUS from source is kept as simple as possible.
Building the stable release (v3.0)
Building packages is very simple. First obtain a copy of the source and unpack it. Second, build the packages.
Build dependencies
Use the following to make sure that all build dependencies are all installed:
sudo apt-get install devscripts quilt debhelper fakeroot equivs fakeroot debian/rules debian/control fakeroot debian/rules clean sudo mk-build-deps -ir debian/control
Building Packages
Having retrieved whichever version of the source you require and installed dependencies, build the FreeRADIUS packages:
make deb
This will build packages in the parent directory, which can be installed with dpkg -i
or apt install
On recent releases you should ensure the source tree is completely clean before running make deb
, e.g. do not run ./configure
first. (However, on releases before 3.0.16 you must run ./configure
Building from source
Alternatively, rather than building packages, you can build the source directly. Note that you will need to ensure all required dependencies are installed first (such as libkqueue-dev
, libtalloc-dev
, and libssl-dev
# Use ./configure --enable-developer if you're debugging issues, or using unstable code. ./configure make sudo make install
Building development versions (v4.0)
Note that version 4 is for developers only. Do not use these versions unless you know what you are doing.
Upgrading GCC
Depending on your OS, select the commands required to upgrade to GCC 4.9:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install g++-4.9 # Then select GCC 4.9 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 100 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 50 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9 sudo update-alternatives --config gcc # Choose option 3 from the dialogue