Summary of All Modules
Authentication Modules
Module | Description |
Performs Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication, as described by RFC 2865. |
The digest module performs HTTP digest authentication, usually for a SIP server. See draft-sterman-aaa-sip-00.txt for details. The module does not support RFC 5090. |
Implements the base protocol for EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol). |
EAP/Inner Configuration for secure transmissions. |
Allows users to be authenticated against an IMAP server. |
Implements kerberos authentication, using the result of decrypting the TGT as an indication that the provided password was correct. |
Can perform user authentication using LDAP binds, or by retrieving the contents of a password attribute for later comparison by a module such as rlm_pap, or an rlm_eap method. |
Supports MS-CHAP and MS-CHAPv2 authentication. It also enforces the SMB-Account-Ctrl attribute. |
NTLM Auth |
Performs password checking via the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) framework. |
Accepts a large number of formats for the "known good" (reference) password, such as crypt hashes, md5 hashes, and etc. The module takes the User-Password and performs the necessary transformations of the user submitted password to match the copy of the password the server has retrieved. |
Sends HTTP requests to remote servers and decodes the responses. |
Implemments the TOTP algorithm to fufill authentication requests. |
The module also allows for direct connection to Samba winbindd (version 4.2.1 or above), which communicates with Active-Directory to retrieve group information and the user’s NT-Password. |
Supports authentication of yubikey tokens where the PSK is known to FreeRADIUS, and integrates with the Yubico cloud-based authentication service. |
Datastore Modules
Module | Description |
Stores attributes and/or lists and adds them back to a subsequent request or to the current request on a later execution of the module. |
This cache stores replies for user sessions that are used by eap for authentication purposes. |
Cache TLS Session saves all eap session attributes in backend cache to provide users with robust and fast session reconnections. |
Reads client definitions from flat files. |
Maps values in a CSV file to FreeRADIUS attributes and adds them to the request. |
Allow users to be assigned to one or more groups to permit different levels of access. |
Implements a traditional Livingston-style users file. |
A users file example. |
Allows LDAP directory entries to be retrieved, modified, inserted and deleted. |
Integrates with an Apple OpenDirectory service on the same host as FreeRADIUS to allow OpenDirectory users to authenticate. |
Reads and caches line-oriented files that are in a format similar to |
Enables the mapping of a MAC address to an ip address. |
Enables the mapping of a MAC address to an vlan id. |
Performs SMB authentication using a flat password file. |
Provides connectivity to single and clustered instances of Redis. This module exposes a string expansion that may be used to execute queries against Redis. |
Implements a fast and scalable IP allocation system using Redis. Supports both IPv4 and IPv6 address and prefix allocation, and implements pre-allocation for use with DHCPv4. |
Records which users are currently logged into the service. The file is used mainly for Simultaneous-Use checking to see who has current sessions. |
Sends HTTP requests to remote servers and decodes the responses. |
Provides an abstraction over multiple SQL backends, via database specific drivers. |
SQL based IP allocation module used to create ip pools. |
Records statistics for users such as data transfer and session time, and prevent further logins when limits are reached. |
Configure a redundant sql server for redundancy or load-balancing purposes. |
Retrieves a user’s encrypted password from the local system and places it into the |
Formatting and Conversion Modules
Module | Description |
Perform cryptographic calculations on data. |
Converts date strings between user configurable formats. |
Escapes and unescapes strings using the MIME escape format |
Parses JSON strings into an in memory format using the json-c library. |
Unpacks binary data from octets type attributes into individual attributes. |
Checks all attributes of type string in the current request, to ensure that they only contain valid UTF8 sequences. |
Language Modules
Module | Description |
Echo is used in conjunction with the exec module to display output from a program or command. |
Executes an external script, passing in FreeRADIUS attributes as environmental variables or as arguments. |
Allows the server to call embedded lua scripts. |
Allows the server to call a persistent, embedded mRuby script. |
Allows the server to call a persistent, embedded Perl script. |
Allows the server to call a persistent, embedded Python script. |
Logging Modules
linelog | Creates log entries from attributes, string expansions, or static strings, and writes them to a variety of backends, including syslog, flat files, and raw UDP/TCP sockets. |
Tee’s request logging at runtime, sending it to additional log destinations. |
Writes attributes from a request list to a flat file in 'detail' format. |
Detail file example for configuration. |
Log example. |
Policy Modules
Module | Description |
Returns a pre-configured result code such as 'ok', 'noop', 'reject' etc… |
Filters attributes in a request. Can delete attributes or permit them to have only certain values. |
Converts internationalized domain names to ASCII. |
Is a hashing and distribution protocol, that will sometimes return one code or another depending on the input value configured. |
Utility Modules
Module | Description |
Dictionary file for main definitions that used for lookups by name. |
Allows users to submit smtp formatted, mime-encoded emails to a server Supports User-Name User-Password authentication. Supports file attachments, size limited by the MTA. |
Gather internal server statistics. |
Performs queries against a DNS service to allow FQDNs to be resolved during request processing. |