FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Files Module

The users file as located in raddb/mods-config/files/authorize. (Livingston-style format).

See the users file documentation for information on the format of the input file, and how it operates.

Configuration Settings


Search for files in a subdirectory of mods-config which matches this instance of the files module.


The default key attribute to use for matches.

The content of this attribute is used to match the name of the entry.

Note that unlike v4, the key does not have to be a string, but could instead be an IP address or netmask! For more information, see


The old users style file is now located here.


List and attribute to populate with the name of the matched entry.

Note: the attriubte type should be capable of holding data of the type used as key values. Particularly useful if matching IP addresses to subnets, since the populated value will be the subnet. In that case it is best to use in place of DEFAULT for any catch-all entries.


Version 3 compatibility flag.

When this flag is set, any enumeration names (e.g. Service-Type := Framed-User) do not need to have the v4 "::" prefix. This flag helps with migrating v3 configurations to v4.

Default value "false". Allowed vaues, true and false.

An instance of the files module for use in processing accounting packets

Default Configuration

files {
	moddir = ${modconfdir}/${.:instance}
#	key = "%{Stripped-User-Name || User-Name}"
	filename = ${moddir}/authorize
#	match_attr = control.User-Category
#	v3_compat = false
files files_accounting {
#	key = "%{Stripped-User-Name || User-Name}"
	filename = ${modconfdir}/files/accounting