FreeRADIUS InkBridge

SQL-Based IP Pool module.


The sqlippool module allocates IP addresses from one or more pools of addresses. It tracks addresses to that it does not issue the same leased IP address to multiple devices.

Using FreeRADIUS for IP address allocation has some advantages. Centralized pool management means that the pools remains available when one or more of the NASs becomes unavailable. When pools are managed on a NAS, the pools are down when the NAS is down.

Networks may have organisation-specific policies for the way that IP addresses are assigned. These policies are difficult to implement on a NAS, but can be implemented with FreeRADIUS. For example, FreeRADIUS can assign pools of IP addresses to specific NASs or user groups. FreeRADIUS also control reallocation, in order to move users from one pool to another, without disconnecting them. This move allows address ranges to be retired or repurposed without forcibly disconnecting the users.

As with most FreeRADIUS modules, the sqlippool module ships with a default configuration that "just works". However, the module can also be configured to use sophisticated IP allocation policies, via custom SQL queries.

All of the SQL queries used by the module are configurable. The module simply provides for a few "hooks", in order to allocate an IP, clear an IP, expire IPs, etc. The result is that the IP pool allocations works with all possible SQL databases, without requiring code changes. In addition, anyone familiar with SQL can customize the allocation policies. Minimal knowledge of FreeRADIUS is required.

The default schema and queries are also designed to manage both dynamic and static IP address assignment through the use of the status column.


The SQL IP Pools module only perform an action when FreeRADIUS receives a packet. The entire state of the pools is held in the fr_ippool table. The benefit of this approach is that the RADIUS server can be restarted, replaced, or debugged without losing track of any IP addresses.

One downside is that there is no method to perform actions at a particular time. We suggest using "cron" for periodic cleanups, analysis, etc.

Another downside is that FreeRADIUS does not "know" the state of a particular IP address. The sqlippool module simply runs SQL queries, which either return an IP address, or return "failed to allocate IP". Since the entire state of the pool is in the SQL database, we recommend using standard SQL queries to find the state of an individual IP address, MAC address, etc.

Access-Request: A device connects to the NAS with correct credentials

  1. FreeRADIUS receives an Access-Request from the NAS. After some processing (modules. unlang, etc.), the IP-Pool.Name attribute is added to the control list. This attribute indicates that the IP address should be allocated from the named pool. This attribute can be added from any module, database, unlang, etc.

  2. When the sqlippool module is eventually run, it looks for the IP-Pool.Name attribute, and runs the various SQL queries in order to perform IP address allocation. If the module is configured to place address into the Framed-IP-Address attribute (as it is by default), and that attribute already exists, the module does nothing, and returns noop.

  3. The module then runs the alloc_existing query, which looks for the IP address last assigned to the device from the pool indicated by IP-Pool.Name. The device is identified using the owner configuration item (typically NAS-Port) and the gateway configuration item (usually NAS-IP-Address).

  4. If no address was found using alloc_existing, and both requested_address expands to a value and the alloc_requested query is configured, then the module runs the alloc_requested query which looks to see if the address identified by requested_address is available.

  5. If no address was found using alloc_existing or alloc_requested, the module then runs the alloc_find query, which chooses a free IP address from the pool indicated by IP-Pool.Name. If alloc_find does not return an IP address, the pool_check query is run in order to determine why the allocation failed. For example, either the requested pool is empty (i.e. no free addresses), or it is non-existent. This information is returned in the sqlippool module return code, as notfound, or one of the other return codes.

  6. If an IP address has been found, the module runs the alloc_update query. This query assigns the IP address to the device by updating the fr_ippool row for the IP address with information about the lease. The default information includes expiry time based on the configured lease_duration, a unique identifier for the device as specified by the owner configuration item (typically NAS-Port) and gateway (the NAS-IP-Address). This information can be used to assign the same IP to the same user or device, on subsequent allocation requests. With some database backends (PostgreSQL and MS SQLServer) the update can be incorporated into the alloc_existing, alloc_requested and alloc_find queries, reducing round trips to the database and improving performance.

  7. The module returns updated to indicate that it was successful in allocating an IP address.

  8. After some additional processing (modules, unlang, etc.), FreeRADIUS sends an Access-Accept containing a Framed-IP-Address attribute holding the allocated IP address to the NAS.

Accounting Start: A device and a NAS successfully establish a session

  1. The NAS sends an Accounting Start request to FreeRADIUS. After some processing (modules. unlang, etc.), the sqlippool module is run.

  2. The sqlippol module runs the update_update query. This query uses the configured requested_address, owner and pool_name in order to identify which entry in the fr_ippool table to update. The expiry_time is updated based on the configured lease_duration. This update extends the initial lease to the configured lease_duration in case the event that the Accounting Start request was delayed.

  3. The module returns updated to indicate that it was successful in updating the state of the IP address.

  4. After some additional processing (modules, unlang, etc.), FreeRADIUS sends an Accounting-Response to the NAS.

Accounting Interim-Update: A NAS sends an Interim-Update notification for a device’s session

  1. The NAS sends an Accounting Interim-Update request to FreeRADIUS. After some processing (modules. unlang, etc.), the sqlippool module is run.

  2. The sqlippol module runs the update_update query. This query uses the configured requested_address, owner and pool_name in order to identify which entry in the fr_ippool table to update. The expiry_time is updated based on the configured lease_duration.

  3. The module returns updated to indicate that it was successful in updating the state of the IP address.

  4. After some additional processing (modules, unlang, etc.), FreeRADIUS sends an Accounting-Response to the NAS.

Accounting Stop: A device disconnects or its session times out

  1. The NAS sends an Accounting Stop request to FreeRADIUS. After some processing (modules. unlang, etc.), the sqlippool module is run.

  2. The sqlippol module runs the release_clear query. This query uses the configured requested_address, owner and pool_name in order to identify which entry in the fr_ippool table to update. The update "clears" the IP address, and marks it as free for later allocation. Note that by default, this "clear" does removes information about which user or device was associated with that address. The result is that on subsequent allocations, it is not possible to re-allocate the same IP address to the same user or device. If re-allocation of the previous IP address is required, then the query should be amended to not update the value of the owner field.

  3. The module returns updated to indicate that it was successful in updating the state of the IP address.

  4. After some additional processing (modules, unlang, etc.), FreeRADIUS sends an Accounting-Response to the NAS.

Accounting On/Off: A NAS indicates that all of its sessions have been cleared

  1. The NAS sends an Accounting On or Accounting Off request to FreeRADIUS. After some processing (modules. unlang, etc.), the sqlippool module is run.

  2. The sqlippol module runs the bulk_release_clear query. This query uses the configured gateway in order to identify all leases in the fr_ippool table which belong to the NAS in question. The leases are cleared, and the IP addresses are immediately released for further allocation. This process effectively returns all IP address occupied by the dropped sessions back into the pool.

  3. The module returns updated to indicate that it was successful in updating the state of the IP addresses.

  4. After some additional processing (modules, unlang, etc.), FreeRADIUS sends an Accounting-Response to the NAS.

Step by step setup instructions

As with any FreeRADIUS configuration you are strongly recommended to start with the default configuration for sqlippools, as it is known to work.

Change the configuration, one thing at a time, testing after each step, until you have successfully implemented your intended policy. We also recommend using a revision control system such as git. When configuration changes are tracked, it becomes trivial to fix issues by checking out a "known working" version of the configuration. The alternative is to try to track changes manually, or to manually recreate what is believed to be a "working" configuration.

This guide provides essential step by step instructions for configuring the sqlippool module. These instructions begin with a "default" configuration. The actions described here are straightforward, and will arrive at a working configuration.

However, the reasons for setting particular module configuration items are complex, and require an understanding of the NAS and wider access network. We therefore discuss these reasons in a separate section, so that the guide is simpler to follow.

If at any time you break your system then follow the guide to debugging FreeRADIUS. If anything goes wrong, it should be trivial to revert any recent changes. Then, consider what went wrong by examining the debug output. If the issues are still clear, then ask a question on the freeradius-users mailing list. Please also read the list help instructions, for what information we need in order to help you. This information is typically an explanation of what you are trying to achieve, what exactly isn’t working and provide the full debugging output for a relevant test run.

1. Enable the module and call it during request processing

Firstly enable the module by creating its symlink.

cd /etc/raddb/mods-enabled
ln -s ../mods-available/sqlippool

Ensure that the module is invoked during authentication and accounting request processing by uncommenting any lines containing sqlippool in the send Access-Accept and each of the accounting sections of the default site.

send Access-Accept {


accounting Start {

accounting Stop {

accounting Interim-Update {

accounting Accounting-On {

accounting Accounting-Off {

In the event that sqlippool is unable to allocate an IP address you may want to record the reason for the failure in a Reply-Message attribute of an Access-Reject response.

Example 1. Example of recording the allocation failure reason in Reply-Message
send Access-Accept {
        group {
                sqlippool {
                        updated = return
                        noop = return
                # On failure for any reason, reject
                reply += {
			Reply-Message = Module-Failure-Message

You must now configure the module configuration items in [raddb]/mods-enabled/sqlippool as described below.

2. Configure a database server

The performance requirements for a system with a many IP allocations is likely to determine your choice of database software and architecture.

Read and understand the considerations for choosing a database server.

Consider how these relate to your solution, then select an appropriate backend database for the SQL IP Pools. If a database server is already deployed in your environment, then any solution fit within the existing limitations. High load IP address allocation can severely stress an SQL database. Depending on many factors, performance can very from dozens of IP allocations per second to thousands of allocations per second.

The sqlippools module requires a connection to the database to be provided, using an instance of the sql module. Configure this as described in the SQL module guide.

Set the sql_module_instance configuration item to the name of the sql instance that you have configured and set the dialect configuration item to the same as that of the sql module. This determines which version of the queries.conf file is used.

sqlippool {
        sql_module_instance = "sql"
        dialect = "mysql"
If the SQL IP Pools database is a multi-master cluster (such as Galera) then you will have multiple instances of the sql module, one per node. For redundancy, you should configure a sqlipool instance corresponding to each sql instance for each master node in your cluster. However, you must not use a load-balancing policy such as load-balance or redundant-load-balance to spread SQL IP Pool load between cluster nodes for the reasons explained here. Do not ignore this advice unless you are certain that you have understood the implications. Instead you should use the basic redundant policy which will direct all queries to the first available instance and then be careful to ensure that you do not run out of connections or that the module might routinely fail in a way that directs IP allocation queries to multiple database instances simultaneously during normal operation.

Load the SQL IP Pool schema into the database. Methods vary between databases, but a typical example would be:

mysql radius < /etc/raddb/mods-config/sql/ippool/mysql/schema.sql
The above command assumes that passwordless login has been configured via the user’s ~/.my.cnf file, or otherwise.

For performance reasons, if you are using a database that supports SELECT …​ FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED then you should edit the [raddb]/mods-config/sql/ippools/<dialect>/queries.conf file corresponding to your database dialect to select the SKIP LOCKED variant of the alloc_find query. This will allow the database to remain responsive under concurrent load.

3. Configure a unique device identifier

Read and understand the considerations for choosing a device identifier.

Set the owner configuration item to the chosen unique device identifier attribute or combination of attributes.

sqlippool {
        owner = "%{NAS-Port-Id}:%{Calling-Station-Id}"

4. Configure the lease duration

Read and understand the considerations for choosing a lease duration.

Set the lease_duration configuration item to the chosen lease duration in seconds.

sqlippool {
        lease_duration = 3600
Remember to enable Interim-Updates on the NAS and configure the update interval with respect to the chosen lease_duration, typically to less than half the lease duration.

In some access networks there may be circumstances where the device and NAS do not always finish establishing a connection after FreeRADIUS has issued an IP address and sent it in an Access-Accept, i.e. the session never really starts and FreeRADIUS does not receive an Accounting Start request. This may be due to a network fault, the device or NAS rejecting the data sent in the Access-Accept response, or some additional policy implemented elsewhere. In the default configuration, when a successfully authenticated session does not become fully established the IP address will have been allocated for the full lease_duration despite the device not having actually connected. It will remain like this since there will be no Accounting Stop request generated for a session that does not become fully established.

This waste of an address may be undesirable if the capacity of the pool is a concern, especially if sticky IPs are not enabled and a device that is repeatedly failing to establish a connection is able to continue to consume IP addresses. With some consideration, this initial lease could be amended to a short, fixed interval rather than the full lease duration. Replace lease_duration with a fixed value in seconds in the alloc_update query in queries.conf or in the stored procedure in procedure.sql, whichever is in use. This fixed interval should be greater than the maximum time it could take for an Accounting Start to be received for successful connections.

FreeRADIUS errs on the side of caution and initially allocates IP addresses during authentication for the full lease duration for two reasons: (1) We do not actually know how long it takes for a session to become established and for the Accounting Start request to actually be sent by the NAS. (2) We do not know that Accounting Start requests will always be reliably generated by the NAS even when a device has established a connection. These should be considered if you decide to amend the default policy.

5. Configure the IP address attribute

Set the attribute_name configuration item to whatever RADIUS attribute is required by the NAS, for example:

sqlippool {
        allocated_address_attr = reply.Framed-IP-Address
Consult your NAS documentation to determine what attribute is used to indicate the assigned IP address and any additional attributes that are required for the RADIUS reply, e.g. Framed-IP-Netmask.
If your NAS is allocating IPv6 prefixes to devices on the basis of a Framed-IPv6-Prefix RADIUS attribute then you can put the IPv6 prefixes into the fr_ippool table and set allocated_address_attr = reply.Framed-IPv6-Prefix.

6. Populate the pool

Populate the pool either manually using a text editor or database tool, or via a script.

See Generating IPs for the pools for instructions on how to create lists of IPs for a pool. And then Inserting IPs into SQL

Example 2. Example shell command for populating the fr_ippool table
for i in `seq 10 250`; do
    echo "INSERT INTO fr_ippool (          \
              pool_name,                   \
              address,                     \
              owner,                       \
              gateway,                     \
              expiry_time                  \
          ) VALUES (                       \
              'internet',                  \
              '192.0.2.$i',                \
              '0',                         \
              '',                          \
              CURRENT_TIMESTAMP            \
done | mysql radius
If at any time you should accidentally remove an IP address from the pool that is in use then to avoid issuing duplicate IP addresses you must either wait for the existing session to expire (or terminate it manually. e.g. CoA/Disconnect) or reintroduce the IP address with a future expiry date beyond which any existing session will have closed (or at least beyond the accounting interval).

7. Enable a pool user

For a request to acquire an address from the pool you must set a IP-Pool.Name check attribute, either directly in the virtual server configuration or via a data source such as sql (for example using the radcheck table).

Example 3. Example of setting a IP-Pool.Name attribute using the radcheck table
echo "INSERT INTO radcheck (username,attribute,op,value)   \
      VALUES ('bob','IP-Pool.Name',':=','internet');"         \
     | mysql radius
Example 4. Example of setting a IP-Pool.Name attribute using in the server config
send Access-Accept {
        control.IP-Pool.Name := 'internet'
Recall that if sqlippool is invoked without a IP-Pool.Name check attribute then no action is taken. Also recall that if sqlippool is invoked while the attribute configured in the attribute_name configuration item (e.g. Framed-IP-Address) already exists then no action is taken.

8. Test the basic setup

Start by creating some text files holding the test request data based on the actual form of the contents of packets originating from the NAS.

Example 5. Example RADIUS requests text files for testing SQL IP Pools
User-Name = bob
User-Password = testing123
Calling-Station-Id = 00:53:00:11:22:33
NAS-Port = 12345
NAS-IP-Address =
Acct-Session-Id = 1000
Acct-Status-Id = Start
User-Name = bob
User-Password = testing123
Calling-Station-Id = 00:53:00:11:22:33
NAS-Port = 12345
NAS-IP-Address =
Framed-IP-Address = ???.???.???.???
Acct-Session-Id = 1000
Acct-Status-Id = Interim-Update
User-Name = bob
User-Password = testing123
Calling-Station-Id = 00:53:00:11:22:33
NAS-Port = 12345
NAS-IP-Address =
Framed-IP-Address = ???.???.???.???
Acct-Session-Id = 1000
Acct-Status-Id = Interim-Update
User-Name = bob
User-Password = testing123
Calling-Station-Id = 00:53:00:11:22:33
NAS-Port = 12345
NAS-IP-Address =
Framed-IP-Address = ???.???.???.???
Acct-Status-Id = On
NAS-IP-Address =
Acct-Status-Id = Off
NAS-IP-Address =

Now run through a series of tests examining the effect on the fr_ippool tables at each stage to ensure that it matches the expected behaviour as described in the Operation section.

Testing initial authentication

Send the Access Request to FreeRADIUS.

cat access-request.rad | radclient -x auth testing123
Sent Access-Request Id 1 from to length 81
	Password.Cleartext = "testing123"
	User-Name = "bob"
	User-Password = "testing123"
	Calling-Station-Id = "00:53:00:11:22:33"
	NAS-Port = 12345
	NAS-IP-Address =
Received Access-Accept Id 1 from to length 31
	User-Name = "bob"
	Framed-IP-Address =

Note that an IP address has been issued in the Framed-IP-Address of the reply.

If you do no receive an IP address then start FreeRADIUS in debugging mode to determine where the process if failing as described in the guide to debugging FreeRADIUS. Do not proceed until you have resolved the IP allocation issue.

Check the status of the fr_ippool table.

echo "SELECT * FROM fr_ippool WHERE gateway <> ''" | mysql radius
| id | pool_name | address    | owner | gateway   | expiry_time         | status  |
| 1  | internet  | | bob   | | 2020-01-01 10:10:10 | dynamic |
1 rows in set (0.0030 sec)

For the entry matching the given IP address ensure that the IP allocation has been recorded correctly. Check that:

  1. The owner matches the expected value of the unique identifier that you chose. Double check that values of this form will be unique across all of your devices.

  2. The expiry_time is lease_duration seconds ahead of the time of the request (or some fixed value that you chose for the initial lease if you updated the default policy.)

  3. The gateway has been provided. If not then you may need to reconfigure your NAS to provide this or instantiate this attribute from Net.Src.IP using an unlang policy in FreeRADIUS. Otherwise when the NAS reboots you will not be able to match the affected IP addresses to the device.

Update your sample text files containing the accounting requests to include the allocated IP Address before proceeding with accounting packet testing.

Testing Accounting Start

cat accounting-start.rad | radclient -x acct testing123

Check the status of the fr_ippool table.

For the entry matching the given IP address ensure that initial lease extension is occurring by verifying that the expiry_time is in the future by lease_duration seconds from the time of the request.

Testing Accounting Interim-Update

cat accounting-alive.rad | radclient -x acct testing123

Check the status of the fr_ippool table.

For the entry matching the given IP address ensure that IP address renewal is occurring by verifying that the expiry_time is in the future by lease_duration seconds from the time of the request.

Testing Accounting Stop

cat accounting-stop.rad | radclient -x acct testing123

Check the status of the fr_ippool table.

For the entry matching the given IP address ensure that IP address release is occurring by verifying that the expiry_time is set prior to the current time or is null.

Additional tests

  • Repeat this authentication test with the same user to ensure that the same IP address is allocated for a re-authentication of an ongoing session.

  • Repeat the authentication test with multiple users to ensure that each user is assigned a unique IP address.

  • Test that Accounting On/Off packets clear all sessions owned by the NAS.

  • If you have already enabled a sticky IP policy then ensure that user and device data is not removed when an Accounting Stop (and Accounting On/Off) request is received. Ensure that users receive their previous IP address when they authenticate using a device whose recent session is disconnected.

Once the initial configuration is working there are some additional recommended configuration steps to consider.

The basic configuration arrived at in the previous section will be functional but it is likely to exhibit poor performance under concurrent load. It also implements a simple, dynamic IP allocation policy that you may want to change.

Enable the IP allocation stored procedure

The stored procedure is provided as an efficient means to both find and allocate an IP address with a single SQL call so that no locks are held across rounds trips between FreeRADIUS and the database. Depending on the database software and configuration the stored procedure may increase the IP allocation performance by as much as 100x and ensure that the system doesn’t fail due to excessive locking under high load.

Load the IP allocation stored procedure in the procedure.sql file corresponding to the database dialect.

Methods vary between databases, but a typical example would be:

mysql radius < /etc/raddb/mods-config/sql/ippool/mysql/procedure.sql
The above command assumes that passwordless login has been configured via the user’s ~/.my.cnf file, or otherwise.

Read the comments in the procedure.sql file which explain how to use the stored procedure, then amend the alloc_find, and allocate_update queries (as well as the corresponding start/end transaction query-parts) in the dialect’s queries.conf file, exactly as described.

Example 6. Example queries.conf configuration to use the stored procedure with MySQL


allocate_begin = ""

alloc_find = "\
      CALL fr_ippool_allocate_previous_or_new_address( \
              '%{control.${pool_name}}', \
              '${gateway}', \
              '${owner}', \
              ${lease_duration}, \
	      '%{${requested_address} ||}' \

allocate_update = ""

allocate_commit = ""


Now that the IP allocation stored procedure has been enabled you should re-test your configuration.

Customise the IP allocation policy

The IP allocation policy is mainly configured by modifying the alloc_find query, however it is likely that the other queries will also need to be modified to get the results you want.

By default each user is likely to get a different IP address each time they authenticate unless they re-authenticate before their existing session has terminated (as is the case with many EAP-based implementations during "fast re-authentication").

Often it is required that upon reconnection a device obtains its previous IP address, sometimes referred to as a "sticky IPs" policy.

If you are using the base queries (rather than the recommended stored procedure) then the queries.conf file for your database dialect contains several example alloc_find queries for choosing either a dynamic or sticky IP policy.

If you are using the recommended stored procedure then the procedure.sql file which contains the definition of the stored procedure for your database dialect has comments that explain how to amend the procedure to choose either a dynamic or sticky IP policy.

With a sticky IP policy it is necessary to amend the default actions of the release_clear and bulk_release_clear queries. By default, each of these queries clobbers the owner column when sessions expire therefore erasing the affinity information.

A performance benefit of sticky IP addresses derived from the fact that reallocation of an existing IP address is generally much quicker than allocating a new IP address since it generally involves an indexed lookup of a single IP address based on the device’s request attributes rather than a walk of the table’s indexes.
Example 7. Example queries for use with a sticky IP policy
alloc_begin = ""
alloc_find = "\
        CALL fr_allocate_previous_or_new_framedipaddress( \
                '%{control.${pool_name}}', \
                '${gateway}', \
                '${owner}', \
                ${lease_duration}, \
		'%{${requested_address} ||}' \
alloc_update = ""
alloc_commit = ""
release_clear = "\
        UPDATE ${ippool_table} \
        SET \
                expiry_time = NOW() \
        WHERE pool_name = '%{control.${pool_name}}' \
	AND owner = '${owner}' \
	AND address = '${requested_address}'"

bulk_release_clear = "\
        UPDATE ${ippool_table} \
        SET \
                expiry_time = NOW() \
        WHERE gateway = '${gateway}'"

        -- Reissue an user's previous IP address, provided that the lease
        -- is available (i.e. enable sticky IPs)
        SELECT address INTO r_address
        FROM fr_ippool
        WHERE pool_name = v_pool_name
                AND owner = v_owner
        LIMIT 1

        -- If we didn't reallocate a previous address then pick the least
        -- recently used address from the pool which maximises the
        -- likelihood of re-assigning the other addresses to their recent
        -- user
        IF r_address IS NULL THEN
                SELECT address INTO r_address
                FROM fr_ippool
                WHERE pool_name = v_pool_name
                        AND ( expiry_time < NOW() OR expiry_time IS NULL )
                ORDER BY
                LIMIT 1
                FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED;
        END IF;

Now that you have amended your IP allocation policy you should re-test your configuration carefully to validate each of the amended queries and exercise all of the features of your policy.

If your testing passes then FreeRADIUS should now be ready to allocate IP addresses.

Detailed considerations

Choice of database server

The performance of the sqlippool module is much more sensitive to the choice of backend database than is typical for other FreeRADIUS database workloads.

The sqlippool module allocates IP addresses by using a relational database to implement the "accept" part of a "worker queue" pattern, where multiple workers attempt to select a single, unique work item from an unordered queue. In our case the queue is the IP pool and each worker is an authentication request attempting to reserve a unique IP address.

The overall performance largely depends on how directly and optimally the database server software supports this pattern.

In particular, the SQL standard introduces two pragmas that facilitate an optimised implementation of a worker queue:


Selects rows while exclusively locking them to prevent simultaneous locking reads and writes of those same rows. When connections are simultaneously selecting an IP address from a pool this pragma is what provides the guarantee of uniqueness of the IP selected for each authentication request.


This is a modifier for SELECT FOR UPDATE that optimises the select by allowing each reader to disregard any locked rows in order to avoid blocking. This pragma avoids the "thundering herd" problem that can cripple performance during highly concurrent IP allocation: Several authentication requests wait a lock to be release on a single IP address that is in the process of being allocated to a device. When the lock is release all but one of these previously blocked connections block waiting for the next free IP address to be allocated. And so on until they have all been serviced or their query times out…​ In the absence of this pragma concurrent authentication requests are unnecessarily serialised while their IP addresses are allocated resulting in poor performance.

Here are some comments regarding the main database engines in relation to this issue:


Since version 9.5 provides a direct implementation of the SELECT …​ FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED statement which means that it is a very efficient backend for sqlippool.


Ensure that you use a storage engine what supports transactions such as InnoDB. Do not use MyISAM. Since version 8 the InnoDB storage engine provides a direct implementation of the SELECT …​ FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED statement which means that it is a very efficient backend for sqlippool. Previous versions do not implement the SKIP LOCKED pragma and will therefore have poor performance under concurrent load, but see the tip concerning the alternative stored procedure below.


Ensure that you use a storage engine what supports transactions such as InnoDB. Do not use MyISAM or Aria. All versions of MariaDB lack SKIP LOCKED and therefore will have poor performance under concurrent load, but see the tip concerning the alternative stored procedure below. Given the choice between MariaDB and a recent version of MySQL you should use MySQL for SQL IP Pools.

MS SQL Server

Does not provide a SELECT …​ FOR UPDATE implementation nor a direct means to provide a row-level, exclusive lock that ensures uniqueness of the selected row. However FreeRADIUS is able to use an artificial UPDATE of a selected row along with non-standard "hints" to obtain the required SELECT …​ FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED semantics, but we pay a performance penalty by doing so. The overall performance is moderate but it does not collapse under concurreent load.


Provides a direct implementation of the SELECT …​ FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED statement. It should be very efficient but limitations of the query syntax result in the need to use multiple subqueries for which pay a performance penalty. The overall performance is moderate but it does not collapse under concurreent load.


Does not provide a SELECT …​ FOR UPDATE implementation due to its simplified locking characteristics. The only locking that is available for this purpose is an exclusive lock taken over the entire database. This makes it unsuitable for anything other than managing a small number of devices. In addition the locking model used by SQLite means that when a lock exists on the database, not even SELECT queries can be initiated. This means that use of SQLite as the backend database for an sqlippool module should only be done with FreeRADIUS running with a single worker thread.

Alternative stored procedure for MariaDB and MySQL < 8.0

The file procedure_no_skip_locked.sql contains an alternative stored procedure that is intended exclusively for MySQL variants that do not support the SKIP LOCKED pragma, i.e. all MariaDB versions and versions of MySQL prior to 8.0.

It should be a lot faster than using the default stored procedure under highly concurrent workloads and should not result in thread starvation. It can best be described as a useful hack that should not be used except when the better-performing SKIP LOCKED method is unavailable.

This procedure works by using "user locks" to provide skippable, row-level locking that facilitates non-blocking selection of unique IP addresses from the pool. We pay a performance penalty for managing the locks, however it is nowhere near as bad as serialising all concurrent pool access.

Since user locks are local to the database server instance this procedure is not suitable for a multi-master cluster.

Database clusters (e.g. MaxScale, Galera)

It is usually the case that row-level locks issued by SELECT …​ FOR UPDATE do not propagate around database clusters which means that unique IP address selection cannot always be guaranteed.

Ingress nodes (relays, proxies, etc.) typically balance reads across all cluster nodes (master and slave) while sending writes to one or more masters. For many workloads this guarantees an appropriate level of data coherency, however for an IP pool allocation implementation this is insufficient since we must guarantee that no two nodes may concurrently SELECT the same IP address from the pool of free addresses.

With clusters the behaviour is normally that when multiple connections initially select the same IP address, one of them will succeed and when the remaining transactions attempt to finalise the lease of the already-allocated IP address only then will the conflict be detected.

When this occurs the sane and correct behaviour of most clusters is for deadlocks to be generated for all but the first transaction and for them to be rolled back. However this will result in IP allocation failures, which is likely to be reported as an Access-Reject.

If however the cluster does not abort the transactions but goes on to erroneously commit them, duplicate IP addresses will be allocated! It is therefore critical to understand how your database cluster manages this case.

Incorrectly configured clusters are likely to have generally good performance under high volumes of serialised load but may exhibit a performance cliff-edge once a moderate level of concurrency is reached. The main symptom of this would be the sudden onset of deadlock. Test your cluster under conditions that represent the maximum load on the system, such as all devices simultaneously re-authenticating after some form of failure.

In some cases it may be possible to alleviate these kinds of issue by using a redundant policy for the sql module instances rather than a load-balance policy, or by adding routing hints to the SQL queries to direct all SQL IP Pool related queries to a single cluster node.

Choice of unique device identifier

Prior to issuing IP addresses to devices it is necessary to determine how to uniquely identify devices to which IP addresses will be assigned on the basis of the available RADIUS attributes.

In many fixed-line configurations a unique identifier for a device may be the NAS-Port or NAS-Port-Id. In other scenarios identifiers based on the NAS port may be shared by several devices and are unsuitable for uniquely identifying devices. In some cases a circuit-specific identifier such as Vendor-Specific.ADSL-Forum.Agent-Circuit-ID may be present.

However, a circuit-specific identifier is unsuitable if there are multiple hosts on the circuit with which you issue individual addresses (for example when using PPPoE passthrough to provide unique sessions to firewalls behind a separate CPE modem.) In this case the "device" must be thought of not as the circuit but the individual hosts behind it.

The Calling-Station-Id attribute may contain host specific information (such as a hardware address). You should consider the provenance of the data and whether you trust it, e.g. does it report a MAC address that is under an untrusted user’s control. Sometimes a combination of attributes including one that you trust (such as "%{Vendor-Specific.ADSL-Forum.Agent-Circuit-ID}:%{Calling-Station-Id}") may be appropriate.

The owner is used to issue indexed lookups into the fr_ippool table so for performance reasons it should have differentiation in the leading characters. You need to understand your network configuration and the available RADIUS attributes to determine what is an acceptable owner. You may need to reconfigure your NAS to provide a suitable unique device identifier.

Most NASs allow the content of the Calling-Station-Id to the customised so that in includes device specific information and network-related information (such as SSID in the case of wireless networks).
When accounting is enabled it is essential that any owner attribute is included in both authentication and accounting requests. Otherwise lease renewal will fail and IP addresses will be prematurely returned to the pool before sessions have disconnected, resulting in duplicate IP allocations.

Choice of lease duration

sqlippools manages the status of the IP addresses (either leased or free) using the expiry_time of each entry in the fr_ippool table. If it is in the future then the IP address is considered to be actively leased (in use by a device), otherwise it is free to be re-allocated to a device.

The lease_duration configuration item is used to set the expiry_time for an IP address lease both when it is allocated at the start of a session and renewed during an ongoing session. The expiry_time is set to lease_duration seconds after the current time. expiry_time and lease_duration are used as a means to manage the IP address pools. They are not communicated to the NAS or device.

In access networks where the IP address pool is plentiful and sessions have a defined maximum length (for example when Session-Timeout RADIUS attribute is being honoured), setting a lease_duration that is a little longer than the maximum permitted session length is acceptable.

Often either the session duration is not restricted or the capacity of the pool is small (relative to the number of devices) so that it needs careful management to continuously free IP addresses that are no longer in active use.

Normally accounting must be enabled on the NAS and an accounting interim interval set for two reasons:

  1. Accounting Interim-Update requests indicate that an IP address is still in use by an ongoing session. This causes the lease to be periodically extended before it expires and prevents an IP address from being prematurely freed as this would result in active sessions having duplicate IP addresses.

  2. Accounting Stop (and Accounting On/Off) requests indicate that an IP address is no longer in use so that it can be immediately released. This ensures that a IP address is not leases longer than necessary and avoids wasted pool space when a group of devices reconnect after their sessions are interrupted.

It is essential that Accounting Interim-Update requests are received reliably. Many NASs will repeat accounting requests that are not acknowledged by a RADIUS server or forward them elsewhere. You should determine whether accounting requests are delivered reliably in your network.

If accounting requests are received reliably then lease_duration could be set a little longer than twice the accounting interim interval to handle the occasional lost interim-update. Otherwise the lease duration might need to be set several times longer.