FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Unbound Module

The unbound module performs queries against a DNS service to allow FQDNs to be resolved during request processing.

Configuration Settings

File to read unbound configuration details from.

filename = "${confdir}/mods-config/unbound/default.conf"

Timeout for unbound queries.

timeout = 3000

resolv.conf file to instruct unbound to load resolvers from. Defaults to not set. Without this set, unbound queries root DNS servers. If a local caching DNS server is available that will improve performance.

resolvconf = "/etc/resolv.conf"

hosts file to load data from. Defaults to not set.

hosts = "/etc/hosts"

xlat for DNS resolution

An xlat based on the instance name can be used to perform DNS lookups.

%dns(, A)
%dns(, AAAA)

Given an instance dns the above xlats will perform A record and AAAA record lookups on

%dns(, PTR)

The above example will perform reverse DNS lookup on

%dns(, MX, 1)

The above example will perform an MX lookup on returning just the first result.

Default Configuration

unbound dns {