FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Cache TLS Session Module

The cache_tls module caches TLS sessions for resiliency.

This module should be listed in a send Access-Accept section to write the cache, and in recv Access-Request to read the cache. When it runs, it will cache the current TLS session. That cache allows for fast session resumption.

The rbtree cache back-end is an "in memory" cache. Which means that the TLS session cache will be lost if the server restarts. The TLS session cache can be preserved by using an external back-end, such as memcached or redis.

Also, if an external backend is used, then the TLS session cache can be shared across multiple RADIUS servers. That makes for simple load balancing with full session resumption.

Please see the cache module for full documentation on the cache configuration.

Configuration Settings

TLS Session Configuration


cache driver.


The cache key.


TTL for cache entries.

update <section> { …​ }

# OCSP Session Configuration

In addition to TLS sessions, the OCSP queries can be cached.


cache driver.


cache key.

update <section> { …​ }

== Default Configuration

cache cache_tls_session {
	driver = "rbtree"
	key = %{Session-Id}
	ttl = 3600	# 60 mins
	update {
		reply.Session-Data := Session-Data
cache cache_ocsp {
	driver = "rbtree"
	key = %{session-state.TLS-Client-Cert-Serial}
	update {
		control.TLS-OCSP-Cert-Valid := TLS-OCSP-Cert-Valid
		control.TLS-OCSP-Response := TLS-OCSP-Response