FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Group Project - Simulating a production service

Goal: To create a simulated, federated, production service

Time: 2-3 hours

This task is split into multiple sections. If working with an instructor you should ask for your configuration file to be validated by the instructor after each section is complete.

For this task you will need at least two participants.


Each participant should decide on the following:

  • A realm e.g., that their RADIUS server will respond to request for the realm must be unique within the group. This will be referred to as your_realm in the rest of the text.

  • A shared secret for the realm your_secret.

  • A backend module (your_module) to use to authenticate their users. Again, this should be unique within the group. Options are:

    • files

    • ldap

    • redis

    • rest

    • sql

    For everything except files it’s recommended to pick a module where you’re familiar with the backend protocol.

  • A set of credentials (your_user, your_password). These should not be sensitive credentials as they will be seen by the rest of the group.

Each user should send the following information to the instructor or place it in a shared document:

  • your_realm

  • your_secret

  • your_ip (the public IP address of your test machine)

  • your_module

  • your_user

  • your_password

For local preparation, you should ensure that the following sections have no content:

  • The recv Access-Request { …​ } or authorize { …​ } section of /etc/raddb/sites-available/default.

  • The send Access-Accept { …​ } or post-auth { …​ } section of /etc/raddb/sites-available/default. Clear the post-auth-type reject { …​} section if present but do not remove.

  • The send Access-Reject { …​ } section of /etc/raddb/sites-available/default.

After completing each of the sections below, you should check that the configuration you’ve produced is valid (radiusd -XC), and if possible, test the functionality you’ve configured using radtest or radclient/


Goal: To simulate federated access, by configuring proxy destinations for multiple upstream home servers.


Time: 20-30 minutes

For each participant in the group, create a realm with a single home server.

The information for the realm should come from the shared document, and should use the realm name, the secret, and the ip address supplied by the participant.

For your_realm, you should create a realm which authenticates users locally on your server.

Liveliness checks should be performed with 'status-server'.

All remote realms should be configured with "nostrip", so the full username is proxied.

The local realm should not have "nostrip" set.

Bonus tasks

  • When proxied requests fail, create a linelog message containing the date, the username and the destination realm.

  • Log all outbound packets to the proxy.

  • Log all inbound packets from the proxy.

  • For each home server

    • Set the check interval to three seconds.

    • Set the check timeout to three seconds.

    • Set the "number of answers until alive" to three answers.


Goal: Allow incoming requests from other servers.


Time: 15-20 minutes

Add client entries for each of the other participants server’s, using the participant’s name as the client name, the ip of their server as ipaddr and your_secret as the secret.

The secret used for the client must be your secret, not the other participants secret. The other participant will be configuring your secret in the home server definition to send requests to your home server. The client and home server definitions must match.

Loading credentials

Goal: Setup the backend, and populate it with credentials.

Time: 10-60 minutes

For your chosen backend:

  • Install any necessary packages

  • Load any FreeRADIUS specific schemas

After the backend has bee setup insert your own credentials, and those for every other participant in the group, into your backend datastore.

If the datastore provides no authentication method (sql, redis), you should use the value of Stripped-User-Name as the key, and when the user attempts to login, retrieve the user’s password and store it in control.Password.Cleartext.


Goal: Retrieve user information from a backend datastore.


Time: 20-60 minutes

First, in the recv Access-Request { …​ } or authorize { …​ } section of of an appropriate virtual server, call the suffix module.

If, after the suffix module has returned, the control.Proxy-To-Realm attribute is set, use the return keyword to exit from the section. This prevents local modules being called, when we know the request will be handled by a remote proxy.

if (control.Proxy-To-Realm) {

The following backend modules have an built in authorization method:

  • files

  • ldap

  • rest

  • sql

The redis module has a string expansion %redis(<command>) which can be used to retrieve a single value from the datastore.

Call the backend module’s authorize method (or run an appropriate expansion) to determine if the authenticating user exists in the datastore.

If the user does exist, and your module has an authenticate method (ldap, rest), set control.Auth-Type to an appropriate value.

If the backend module does not have an authenticate method (redis, files, sql), you should ensure the "known good" copy of the user’s password is set in control.Password.Cleartext and then call the pap module.

Bonus tasks

  • If the user was notfound, i.e. the user is local, log the fact the user was not found, along with the username, date and client IP address.


Goal: Authenticate a user.

Time: 20-30 minutes

For ldap and rest add or uncomment an appropriate Auth-Type section.

For other backend modules, ensure the PAP module’s Auth-Type section is uncommented.

Run radtest or radclient, with credentials: <your_user>@<your_realm> and your_password. You should receive an Access-Accept.

Bonus tasks

  • If the user was accepted, log the date, username, and client ip address.

  • If the user was rejected, log the date, username, and client ip address.


Goal: Verify all participants have configured their RADIUS services correctly.

Time: 20+ minutes

Check with the other participants to see how much of the exercise they have completed. If a participant has a working RADIUS server, send request with <your_user>@<their_realm> and your_password, and verify that their server responds with an Access-Accept.

If their server does not respond with an Access-Accept, work with the other participant to debug the issue.