FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Other protocols within RADIUS: EAP-MD5

Goal: To configure the server to use the EAP-MD5 authentication protocol and to send and receive test packets.

Time: 10-15 minutes.


  • etc/raddb/mods-available/eap


Fig. EAP-MD5

Programs: radtest

For this exercise, your are assumed to have previously worked through and be familiar with the exercise in New User for user "bob".

While RADIUS is an authentication protocol in its own right, other authentication protocols are also used in the network. One such protocol is the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). It originally was designed to be used in PPP, but has been more widely used in recent deployments.

EAP is a protocol that is intended to carry other authentication protocols. It does not carry authorization information like RADIUS, so it therefore has a more limited application. One of the most common uses for EAP is for wireless authentication. In this exercise, we will configure and test the EAP-MD5 sub-type of EAP.

raddb/mods-available/eap has a configuration section for the eap module. The EAP sub-types are configured inside of that section. By default, the server ships with the EAP-MD5 module enabled, and with the EAP module initiating EAP-MD5 for all RADIUS requests containing EAP.

You should now read the appropriate section of the raddb/mods-available/eap file, to verify that the eap module is configured and that the md5 sub-module of the eap module is configured.

The sample packet may now be used to test EAP-MD5 authentication. The server output should be examined to follow the EAP-MD5 authentication process, and that output should be compared to the schematic diagram

Fig. EAP-MD5


  1. In which of the following sections is the eap module used? authorize, authenticate, and accounting.

  2. Which of those sections do not reference the eap module? Why?

  3. What is the difference (if any) between the server output for this test and the diagram below? Why is there a difference? image::eap_md5.svg[Fig. EAP-MD5]

  4. Why do we test EAP-MD5 before testing other EAP types?

  5. How is the EAP protocol carried within a RADIUS packet?

  6. Why is the Message-Authenticator attribute required when using EAP?

  7. What security issues exist with EAP-MD5?

  8. Why is EAP-MD5 disabled in newer operating systems?