%concat(<&ref:[idx]>, <delim>)
Used to join two or more attributes, separated by an optional delimiter.
This expansion is the inverse of explode.
Return: string
In most cases, %concat(…)
is only useful inside of a dynamically
expanded string. If you need to concatenate strings together in a policy, just use +
control += {
Tmp-String-0 = "aaa"
Tmp-String-0 = "bb"
Tmp-String-0 = "c"
reply += {
Reply-Message = "%concat(%{control.Tmp-String-0[*]}, ', ')"
Reply-Message = "%concat(%{control.Tmp-String-0[*]}, ',')"
aaa, bb, c
Using "+"
string foo
foo += { "a", "c", "c", "d" } # abcd
foo += control.Tmp-String-0[*]