FreeRADIUS InkBridge

The mods-config Directory

This directory contains module-specific configuration files. These files are in a format different from the one used by the main radiusd.conf files. Earlier versions of the server had many module-specific files in the main raddb directory. The directory contained many files, and it was not clear which files did what.

For Version 3 of FreeRADIUS, we have moved to a consistent naming scheme. Each module-specific configuration file is placed in this directory, in a subdirectory named for the module. Where necessary, files in the subdirectory have been named for the processing section where they are used.

For example, the users file is now located in mods-config/files/authorize. That filename tells us three things:

  • The file is used in the authorize section.

  • The file is used by the files module.

  • It is a module configuration file, which is a specific format.