The switch Statement
switch <expansion> {
case <match-1> {
[ statements-1 ]
case <match-2> {
[ statements-2 ]
case {
[ statements-3 ]
A switch
statement causes the server to evaluate expansion, which
can be an &Attribute-Name or
data. The result is compared against match-1
and match-2 to find a match. If no string matches, then the server
looks for the default case statement, which has no
associated match.
The matching is done via equality. The switch
statement is mostly
syntactic sugar and is used to simplify the visual form of the
configuration. It is mostly equivalent to the following use of
if statements:
if (<expansion> == <match-1>) {
[ statements-1 ]
elsif (<expansion> == <match-2>) {
[ statements-2 ]
else {
[ statements-3 ]
The only difference between the two forms is that for a switch
statement, the expansion is evaluated only once. For the equivalent
if statement, the expansion is evaluated again for every
If a matching case is found, the statements within
that case are evaluated. If no matching
case is found, the case
section with no "match" is
evaluated. If there is no such case { …}
subsection, then the
statement behaves as if the case {…}
section was empty.
The match text for the case statement can be an &Attribute-Name or data.
No statement other than case can appear in a switch
statement, and the case statement cannot appear outside of a
switch &User-Name {
case "bob" {
case {