FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Release Method


  1. As of 2.0, the release process is much simpler. Edit the Changelog with the version number and any last updates.

# vi doc/ChangeLog
# git commit doc/ChangeLog
  1. Change version numbers in the VERSION file:

# git commit VERSION
  1. Make the files

It also does make dist-check, which checks the build rules for various packages.
# make dist
  1. Validate that the packages are OK. If so, tag the release.

This does NOT actually do the tagging! You will have to run the command it prints out yourself.
# make dist-tag
  1. Sign the packages. You will need the correct GPG key for this to work.

# make dist-sign
  1. Push to the FTP site. You will need write access to the FTP site for this to work.

# make dist-publish