FreeRADIUS InkBridge

The redundant Statement

redundant {
    [ statements ]

The redundant section executes a series of statements in sequence. As soon as one statement succeeds, the rest of the section is skipped.

[ statements ]

One or more unlang commands. Processing starts from the first statement in the list.

If the selected statement succeeds, then the server stops processing the redundant section. If, however, that statement fails, then the next statement in the list is chosen. This process continues until either one statement succeeds or all of the statements have failed.

All of the statements in the list should be modules, and of the same type (e.g., ldap or sql). All of the statements in the list should behave identically, otherwise different requests will be processed through different modules and will give different results.

In general, we recommend using the redundant-load-balance statement instead of redundant.

redundant {