FreeRADIUS InkBridge

Enabling the DHCP service

A major difference between configuring FreeRADIUS as a DHCP server versus most other DHCP software such as ISC DHCP is that other software typically uses a single monolithic configuration file whereas FreeRADIUS has a collection of configuration files. This reflects the modularity of FreeRADIUS; attempting to put the entire configuration in a single file would result in a very difficult to read configuration.

The root of the FreeRADIUS configuration may be in a different location on the filesystem depending on how FreeRADIUS has been installed. This directory will be referred to as <raddb> below. The sample configuration files are well commented describing what each configuration option does.

FreeRADIUS compiled from source will default to /usr/local/etc/raddb. Pre-built packages will default to either /etc/raddb or /etc/freeradius.

Enable the DHCP virtual server

The FreeRADIUS configuration separates each network service that it provides into "virtual servers". A number of sample virtual server definitions are provided in <raddb>/sites-available, one of which is the sample configuration for a DHCP service.

Sites may be added to the working configuration by either creating a symlink to them or copying them to <conf>/sites-enabled depending on how you wish to manage future upgrades.

As with other package-managed configuration files, package upgrades will not automatically replace files that you have edited but you will need to resolve any local differences. Creating copies avoids the need to resolve conflicts during a package upgrade.

Add the DHCP virtual server to the active configuration:

cd <raddb>/sites-enabled
ln -s ../sites-available/dhcp .


cd <raddb>/sites-enabled
cp ../sites-available/dhcp .

The sample configuration has been set up in such a way that it is initially safe. It will not actually take over live DHCP serving on the network when it is simply enabled until it is configured to do so. Rather is set up for testing prior to going live.

The virtual server begins with a listen section. In this section your need to modify the following configuration items:


The IP address to listen on.


The source IP for unicast packets.


The port to listen on. Setting this to 67 will make the DHCP service live on the network.


The network interface to listen on.


Allow broadcast packets. For most live systems this will need to be set to yes.

Below the listen section, there are sections that define how to respond to each of the DHCP packet types. Most installations will require that you review the settings for DHCP-Discover and DHCP-Request.

Their contents contain directives in the FreeRADIUS policy language, "unlang". Many examples are provided which have been carefully described.

Enable SQL and IP pool modules

FreeRADIUS has many modules to support different aspects of the functionality required for the network protocols it can process. The two of most significance for DHCP are dhcp_sql and dhcp_sqlippool. As with virtual servers, a number of example module configurations are available in <raddb>/mods-available. These should be symlinked or copied into <raddb>/mods-enabled in order to enable them.

Configure the dhcp_sql module

Add the dhcp_sql module to the active configuration:

cd <raddb>/mods-enabled
ln -s ../mods-available/dhcp_sql .


cd <raddb>/mods-enabled
cp ../mods-available/dhcp_sql .

The dhcp_sql module should be configured with the connection parameters for whichever database is to be used. The key configuration items are:


Which SQL dialect is in use.


Which driver to use to access the database. For most databases this is rlm_sql_<dialect>, however Microsoft SQL Server has a choice of drivers.

Then, there are configuration options that are unique to each database, including connection details. For most databases these are:


The host name or IP address of the database server.


The port to connect to the database server on.


The user name used to connect to the database.


The password for authenticating to the database.


The name of the database.

SQLite does not use these connection options, rather the filename option within the sqlite section is used to determine where the database will be stored.

Configure the dhcp_sqlippool module

Add the dhcp_sqlippool module to the active configuration:

cd <raddb>/mods-enabled
ln -s ../mods-available/dhcp_sqlippool .


cd <raddb>/mods-enabled
cp ../mods-available/dhcp_sqlippool .

The dhcp_sqlippool module must be configured. The key configuration items are:


Set this to the same SQL dialect as in the sql module.


How long an IP is offered to the client in a DHCP OFFER.


How long an IP is leased to the client in a DHCP ACK.

Provision the database

You should provision your database by creating a user for FreeRADIUS (matching the configuration that you have previously provided) and then loading the schema. The procedure for doing this will vary according to the database server.

The schema, stored procedure definition and any additional setup scripts for your database are in <raddb>/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/{dialect}/.

Test FreeRADIUS startup

Once you have provisioned your schema, created a user account and granted access to the user, you should be able to start FreeRADIUS.

If FreeRADIUS has been configured correctly then the output of ss will contain a line showing that FreeRADIUS is listening for DHCP packets on the designated interface on port 67:

Example 1. Example of FreeRADIUS listening on <interface> for DHCP packets
# ss -lunp
Netid  Recv-Q  Send-Q  Local Address:Port     ...
udp    0       0<interface>:67 ... users:(("radiusd",...))

Note that if the database is inaccessible then FreeRADIUS will normally refuse to start.

The FreeRADIUS wiki contains extensive information about debugging FreeRADIUS startup issues that we do not repeat in any detail here.

Essentially, stop your init system from repeatedly trying to launch FreeRADIUS:

service radiusd stop

Then start FreeRADIUS manually in debug mode:

radiusd -X

Carefully read the output since this will tell you why FreeRADIUS was unable to start.

Once you have fixed the issue start FreeRADIUS as normal:

service radiusd start

Now test the DHCP service to ensure that it is responding to requests.