Stay up to date, sign up for FreeRADIUS lists

There are several mailing lists associated with the FreeRADIUS server project. All of our lists use Mailman, and your subscriptions can be easily adjusted via the Mailman web interface. Instructions to subscribe and manage your account can be found by clicking on the list that interests you.

User's List

General information and discussion for anyone running the server.

Developer's List

For developers writing code for FreeRADIUS. The content is largely technical and related to the architecture and design of the server.

Announce List

For announcements about FreeRADIUS, including new versions and security issues.

House Rules

No HTML on the lists

While Mailman will do its best to strip or convert HTML in mailing list posts, it will occasionally end up removing all body content from the message, causing the message to be discarded. If you are using a mail program that is HTML capable such as Outlook, Thunderbird, or Apple mail, please disable HTML message composition to ensure your message makes it to the list.

Internet stlye quoting

When replying to a message, quote only the relevant parts of the previous message, and reply below every quoted part. Also make sure you have set the quoting character to "> " if your mailer has such a setting (like Outlook). This is a non-HTML, internet standard list -- things like "the original message is in blue my answer is in red" don't work. In Microsoft Outlook this is called Internet-style quoting.

Starting a new subject

When you start a new subject, don't do it by replying to a previous message. Not even if you change the subject header. People use threaded mail readers, and even if you do change the subject header it still looks like your message is part of the discussion you are replying to. Simply start a new fresh message to the list.

Read the Netiquette Guidelines

The netiquette has a few rules of behaviour that are applicable to all means of electronic communication. The netiquette is also known as RFC1855.